"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein
Life is a very interesting experience to have when one pays attention to what he or she experiences. We are always made aware of where we are, of where we are heading to, and of where we are supposed to be. We are basically reminded all the time of what we are here to accomplish. Who or what does that is a question that requires a complex answer. As you are going to see in A Time of Change, it is not something impossible to explain.
When we say he or she, we are referring actually to our physical aspect, which can take a male or female form. That would be a reductionist representation of the nature of being human. The real us, the one experiencing life in the Earth plane is the spirit energy that incarnates the human body at birth making it into a human being. And while the spirit energy includes masculine and feminine energies, it is neither masculine, nor feminine, and it has no gender. Just like the yin and yang of the Chinese cosmology, which is a balanced, all-inclusive combination of both.
This may sound crazy, but theoretical physicists have found evidence suggesting that, as spirit energy, we are participants in an amazing virtual reality game, the product of a super-sophisticated computer program put together by something we could only define as super-consciousness. This super-consciousness is the source of all energy and information that makes what we perceive as material reality, as well as the unseen universe. It was misrepresented in religion as a human-like entity and it was in error labeled God. As a result, while in terms of the choices we have the possibilities are limitless, same as in a video game, everything is digitally designed to occur or assemble, rather manifest in a certain way. In other words, and this is not really crazy, after all, there is always a rational logical reaction from the part of the universe to every one of our actions. Cause and effect is actually the main law that governs the universe, and yet students in schools are rarely, if ever, reminded that.
Then there is the fact that the universe is tuned to the frequency of honesty and truth and so were we. At one time, the new owners of this experiment our civilization is, have downgraded Earth people to the frequency of belief and reduced significantly their lifespan. This is not mythology. As you are going to see, this is recorded fact. Ever since, humankind has been living based on belief, basically on an orchestrated lie, the reason why the original title of the book was The Day Belief Becomes History. It was changed to A Time of Change, which basically refers to the same thing, and there are all kinds of belief systems humans on this planet are mentally entrapped to by the powers that be.
Mathematics, physics, and geometry are devices meant to help us make truthful representations of what we perceive as reality. This is why to some extent what we perceive as future is mathematically predictable and because of that knowable, especially since whatever may happen in the future is a choice of here-and-now that is already there and it will be there for eternity. Our mission in life is to become aware of that and to realize that we are the spirit energy within the body, not our physical aspect. In some cultures that is known as self-realization, and it is always achieved by the way consciousness awareness growth. Conscience awareness is a consequence of us being exposed to knowledge and acquiring on our own a correct understanding of it. That makes us less vulnerable to manipulation, reason why in a couple of our religious books knowledge is the forbidden fruit. This was done because the entities that at one time took control over the experiment knew that a less knowledgeable human was a lot easier to control. Knowledge is what gives us the ability to make the most appropriate choices of now and here.
Te law of cause and effect does not rule the world of the spiritual or the metaphysical. Over there things are already the way they are supposed to be in order for an ascending spirit that no longer needs a body to be able to continue its progress in terms of enlightenment. The spiritual is a dimension that generates the information carrying energies that become manifest as material forms, humans included, and the so-called laws of physics. The energies of the spiritual act on the energies of the material to make them manifest the same way software makes images and sound appear on the screen of our computers. The information carrying energy that makes images and sound appear on the screen of our computers is unseeable and is separate from the hard drive. Similarly, the soul energy, consciousness is something apart from the body, brain included, and yet its effects are quite obvious. We did not imagine these digital devices we work with today out of nothing. We figured out how the universe operates, and then we replicated that according to our current level of understanding of reality.
Humans are spirit energy within a physical body, software downloaded into the biological hard drive at the moment of birth. The difference consists in the fact that the same spirit energy is repeatedly incarnating different human bodies for the purpose of making advancement with its awareness of its true origin and powers. That awareness is enlightenment rising its vibrational frequencies to a level where return to this lower world and mostly material of ours is no longer necessary.
Nothing of what we experience is coincidental or without purpose. Reincarnation facilitates the continuation of the process of awakening until we reach that higher vibrational frequency. At this time, the Earth is moving into an energetic ambiance that will allow many Earth people to ascend into a 5D frequency, something everyone is going to be able to accomplish in the long run. The purpose of what we experience as individuals is always attuned to the common purpose of our being here, with the purpose of our being here corresponding to the grand purpose behind the existence of all human life inhabiting this infinite universe, as well as many other universes.
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