Saturday, January 4, 2025




There have been new developments, they happen all the time. At the beginning of 2025 I decided to pull the plug, again, and do another round of editing. As it turned out, it was a very good decision. Access to A Time of Change, Volume 1, Part 1 and 2 will be restored in February. 

While working on the book, along the years I published several articles. They were meant to let the potential reader in on what the project was about. The following is a short but representative selection. (Click on the title)

(There have been, and most likely there still are spelling errors and edit misses there, such as missing words. I tend to catch them as I go back to proofing these texts after a while, with a rested mind. They are a consequence of the fact that I would rather be doing something else other than typing and editing some more after woking for eight to ten hours that day on the book. It had to be a one-man's work, but things may change in the future. English was also not my first language when I started working on this project. Forced by circumstances, it is now.

Beginning of February 2025, these four articles have been re-edited for clarity, severely re-edited in some instances.) 

An Autobiographical Insight Into the History of the Project

The Scope

On the Nature of Being Human

The Gods of Civilization Earth

For more articles scroll down or click on the dates in the Blog Archive column on the right and make a pick.


Thursday, September 12, 2024



"If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself. You will have also betrayed your community in failing to make your contribution."

                                   Rollo May, American existential philosopher

When completed in its initial form, with that taking place an year and a half after work on the project started in March of 2006, the title of the book was The Day Belief Becomes History, and the manuscript was less than 500 pages, double spaced. I felt the title was leaving the false impression that the book was exclusively about religion, and a couple of years later I changed it to something more appropriate considering what it was foreseeable to happen in the world, rather sooner than later : A Time of Change. As we look around us, that time has come, indeed.

The notion that this could become a book-of-books kind of book developed over time and it was not premeditated. By 2013, the manuscript was now over 700 pages, single spaced. When it grew to over 1,000 pages, it became a two-volume book. Once again, nothing about the structure, the format, or the scope of the book was planned. Everything would develop naturally, intuitively into the book it is today.

Something generating unabashed frustration at times, one would often sigh with relief convinced the final version was ready for release, only to have that feeling disappear within a week or so and be replaced with, some things there are not what they should be. Work on the project seemed to be going on forever, with no end in sight, and every time I would finish re-editing the project, it would become soon clear that it needed more work, more researching and analyzing. As new and significant material was added, and as significant errors were addressed, an even larger and a more accurate image of where we are as a civilization and of how we got here would emerge. That was how the project ended up a three-volume book, a little over 2,000 pages, and over 200 images. 

In the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s students in colleges and universities were into The Communist Manifesto for two reasons. First, it addressed what by now was an ancestral need for social change every new generation felt compelled to dedicate to it a few moments of its busy fraternity life. Secondly, it was less than 50 pages long. In other words, it was an easy read and the message was rather clear. The Capital by the same author, on the other hand, is, wouldn't you know it, three-volume long and 2,000 pages. Time for college students to take on that kind of challenge, with A Time of Change being in large part addressed to them. After all, they are the future of civilization Earth. 

As the not always truth-friendly Wikipedia informs us, The Capital is about the fact that "the motivating force of capitalism is in the exploitation of labor, whose unpaid work is the ultimate source of surplus value." You are going to find plenty of that in A Time of Change. The reason why you have three volumes and 2,000 pages is because everything is placed now in its right perspective, this way the reader being able to see the actual circumstances that gave us the current status quo, the current existential system where society is controlled by a few with the help of money, they do not call it capitalism for nothing, religion, and multi-party forms of government labeled democracy. In short, A Time of Change is not about just exposing this social reality for what it is, but also how the rulers of the planet have organized this system for the purpose of using Earth people as "the ultimate source of surplus value." For, in the end, the revolution that will cause things to change for the better is not going to happen in the streets but within our Self. As we were once told by someone whose mission and message were completely distorted by those who at one point took control by force of our civilization, "the truth will set you free." This was why overtime, again, without planning that for a moment, this became a book-of-books, and why I knew during the early stages of working on it that it was going to be difficult, to use a euphemism, to find a publisher willing to get involved with something that has the potential of significantly changing a status quo under the rules of which publishing house too operate. As usual, though, everything happens for a good reason. 

It helps to know how things were put together when you need to take something apart to replace it with something that makes more sense. It makes the process a lot more enlightening to know what lies behind the illusion of reality you have been made to perceive as real reality for your entire existence as a civilization. Since they are all connected, it helps to know who gave us the institution of religion, the institution of slavery, and in the end our current existential system. 

The good news is we are destined and because of that we have the power to liberate ourselves. Sure enough, things are not going to be forever the way they have been. Life on Earth is going to change significantly in the decades and centuries ahead. As a matter of fact, things are changing at a higher pace then they ever did as we speak, which is why it is much easier today to make the effort and become aware of the liberating knowledge, 2,000 pages and all. This way we avoid being left behind. This way we will forever be protected against being used as the "ultimate source of surplus value." 

And if you are ready to make the effort and take your Self to the other side of the wall, the book is going to introduce you to an amazing reality. Indeed, there is a lot more to what we were made to perceive as reality than meets the eye.


This is a one-man's work, so far. The manuscript has not been edited or proofed by a second party, and it remains to be seen if the book will be made available in the future under other circumstances. And while the author remains open to all possibilities, a sudden en mass influx of highly advertised earth shaking information may cause confusion and chaos. That earth shaking information is nevertheless here for those who may happen to land on this site, while one way or the other, the people of the planet will have to face chaos. After all, from chaos comes change, and there is no way around it.

Within the next decade or so the state of our civilization, American society included, is not going to be what it is today. There have been significant changes, with the rise to prominence of China, economically and culturally, being one major such event, since work on this project started, and we have seen nothing yet. A consequence of that, there is a good chance that publishing houses will be one day at liberty to publish even books like this one. We live though here and now. Meanwhile, as long as we are diligently dedicating time and effort to our true mission in life, one here and now moment after another, we will always be where we need to be, and by we is meant the entire planetary world. 

A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Quoting from the book is permitted but has to be accompanied by proper crediting by showing the source. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it. 

Sunday, December 31, 2023



When I look back at my life, I have no doubts the premises for the writing of the book have been set before I opened eyes into this world. Based on memories accumulated along the time to be revealed under different circumstances, it looks very much like my life's course was programmed for this destination. It is either that or I somehow knew to make the right choices every time I was on a crossroad. So far so good, and I do not expect to lose my sense of the good direction.

The fact is there has been an indisputable pattern in terms of the people I came in contact with, including the family I was born into and the family I created through marriage. Everything left me with no other choice but keep the out-there at a distance so I could reflect as objectively as possible from my protective inner domain on the questions my Self was asking all the time. This way I would remain untouched by the absurd, the deception, and the irrational I was often surrounded by. One could say I did not have a normal life, and yet a normal life would be unsuitable for anyone's mission in life. Indeed, normal is a term without a real meaning. I had a very interesting life, to say the least, for which I am grateful to the universe and to my guides, and I do not expect, or wish for that to change in the years ahead.  

We choose our parents and our entire circle of family and friends before we are born, a choice that serves the purpose of our coming into this world. My family forced me into living within myself, which is never a bad place to be, and to some extent free of restrictions, which allowed me to focus on everything I was experiencing from a very personal perspective and without any interference. Nobody told me how things are. I had to figure that all by myself, and being alone while in their company helped. For, unbeknownst to them, they would put me in situations that turned out to be great lessons to learn so I could become aware of a certain reality associated with my mission in life. It did not matter if I liked it or not, I was alway where I needed to be, and that is certainly the case for where I am right now.

At an early age I would get my first very close unobstructed by prejudice or pettiness look at the magnificent beauty and astonishing complexity of nature. Mother Nature taught me to live in the moment without expectations while the people of what appeared to be a forgotten world living at the edge of the forest helped me uncover the inestimable value of honesty, common sense, and kindness. This was my Shangri-La, except that everything was as real as real can be.

Observing nature triggered within questions about the origin of everything. Where did the trees, the flowers, the rivers and the rocks, the stars in the sky, the birds, and the wonder of all wonders, the human come from? We take for granted this amazing planet planted somewhere within an infinite universe, in the middle of an hostile to life space, and yet our destiny is associated with its existence. 

The house where my family rented a small room was situated between two churches, and even though my parents were not religious, I would go there, by myself, especially when the church was empty. I was overwhelmed by the huge images of saints and of the Bible stories painted on the walls. After I grew up some, I was bold enough to show up in church during Sunday service. Wanted to find out how things worked in the house of God. From an early age I became aware of what they were telling people there, and I imagined everything must have been true, for why would they lie to us. For children, the concept of deceit is completely unknown, which is why it is so easy to manipulate them into believing what the adults want them to believe. 

I made an effort to understand what religion was all about, and while the hymn singing, the acoustics of the big hall, the lit candles, the incense burning, the paintings on the walls and the priest's gilded outfit were making an impression on you, the meaning of the preached words left me wondering. They were saying that a God who looked like us created the world and man, and that everything happening to us was his will. Did they also mean all the wars, the diseases, and the cataclysms, all the social issues in our communities cause by poverty? Their claim did not exactly answer my very specific questions about the origin of the universe and everything in it. Later in life, I realized that the saintly figures and the stories painted on church walls were of the imaginary. In other words, everything in my church was made-up, with some of those fantasies being a deliberate distortion of a reality I would only become familiar much later in life.

Darwin's theory did not make a lot of sense to me either, and our secular atheist government in Eastern Europe apparently felt the same way. That was one of the first pieces of evidence not just church creationists dismissed the theory of evolution for being a fallacy. That would explain why I don't remember Darwin's name being mentioned much in biology class. This was not because the education system was not on the par with the one in the West. As a matter of fact, at the time the socialist regime was investing massively in education, reason why in those days we had great schools and mostly great teachers. It also invested in health care, as well as in culture and art. I knew that because I grew up in the wings of the theater company where my father was an actor, a theater company that at one time was considered the best theater company in the world. The fact is, I could not believe that rabbits turned into leopards or that fishes grew overnight lungs to become land animals. And while I had heard about it, at the time I did not know much about the DNA, the capital problem for the claim that gradual evolution is fact. As it turned out, there was an abundance of major problems with the theory of evolution.  

Unlike many of my friends and colleagues, during the high school years I focused my attention to the sky, to the universe. I did not see God or angels there. Instead, from that came the realization that we were living on a speck of dust within an apparently infinite cosmic world, and the inevitable question was the same question I had been asking myself and others for quite sometime now: Why are we here, and what really is out there? Not only that but what was the purpose of us living and dying on a planet like Earth? Fascinated by the awesome cosmic display of distant lights and by the beauty of the natural wonders our planetary world was appointed with, I could not understand why we had the division characterizing our communities, the oppressive behavior perpetrated on the people by those who ruled over us, the constant religious wars or wars triggered by territorial disputes that made our existence a nightmare, or our obsession with acquiring material wealth. All those questions remained deeply engraved into my memory, and much to my astonishment, decades later, once work on the book started I would find the answers to all of them.


By the time I was in my late teens, the old country was under the rule of one of the most dictatorial Eastern European regimes, with the enlightened idealists of the beginnings being replaced by those few who at the instigation of outside dark forces were denigrating the system while at the same time ripping the benefits that came with asserting absolute power over the many.  By the time I graduated from college, society was in full downfall both economically and morally. What made life unbearable was the fact that almost all rational existential rules had been officially abolished while lack of basic sustenance was pushing the population to the brink of uncontrollable desperation. Living on principle and organically unable to comply with the terms and demands of those irrational circumstances, I decided to abandon the acting career I had dreamed about for all my life and I thoroughly prepared for. Making that choice did not come easy, but for a rationalist it was the right choice under the circumstances. My plan was to leave behind the city I grew up in and retreat, at what was still a very young age a few years out of college, to a small, quiet village in the mountains, with the people over there being my real family.  

Since nature had always been my most reliable friend and an endeared refuge from the hostilities of an out of balance world, I loved the idea very much. At the same time something within was telling me this was not where I was supposed to go, that this was not my real destination. In retrospective, that place I was aiming for would have been too comfortable and because of that unproductive when it came to my mission in life, a mission I knew nothing about at the time. I was, however, instinctively searching for something, something I would have only known what it was once I found it, once I faced it.

Creative writing allows one to express himself without anyone interfering, at least not during the process of creation. Writing about the life of the mountain people and about the natural wonders they were surrounded by, about Mother Earth's glorious brilliance and generosity would have reduced considerably the censorship challenges. There were though two  immediate existential issues I had to deal with. First, the situation in the country was getting worse by the day, with the most educated among the people, the ones who read books, immigrating by the thousands every year. Then there was the fact that, just out of college, it was not easy to find the money I needed to build my dream home. So, I decided to go for a while where the money supposedly was: America!   

In an unusual letter to the government's passport department, I let the regime know I intended to return within a few years. Writing that kind of a letter to the government to express my otherwise sincere desire to return in a country that many described as being a prison was, indeed, very unusual. Nevertheless, I acted the way I felt. That may have been the reason why it had the good outcome I was trying to achieve. Thousands of people were waiting five to six years to get an exit visa, you needed to have one even if you were traveling outside the country for three days, and many of them would never hear from the government. I received mine in about eighteen months, with the American consulate too, being extremely accommodating in those days. After all, they were getting at no cost a significant number of college-educated laborers, doctors and engineers included, something the government of my country had paid for since same as health care education was free in those days. 

The other thing that helped me made up my mind when it came to deciding to return to that prison-like country in a not very distant future was the realization that turning your back to a terrible situation does not eliminate the cause of the problem or the problem. Not only that but the assumption that things are perfect on the other side of the fence may have been an illusion, and as I was to find out first hand that was precisely the case. Then there is the fact that since everyone brings with him or her specific circumstances, he or she may or may not be able to integrate in the new world. As someone who has an easy time adjusting to a new environment, I would find out though that many of my compatriots did not feel America was their home, a state of mind they could only associate with the old country

I only spent a couple of years in America, a lot less than I initially intended to. During that time I ran into ex-pats who while in the beginning were elated to escape the nightmare at home had been struggling for years, with no relief visible on the horizon, to find their place in the new country. Many of them were actually worse off than they were back in in the old country, and were visibly suffering. Eternally homesick and never adapted to the new world, you could sense how their only way to cope with the situation was by pretending things were better than they actually were. Other times, though, they would get extremely angry with the outside world as they were sensing their hopelessness. The morning after those moments of induced illusion or crisis, they would wake up with deep psychological scars that for some would never heal. 

I could perfectly understand their state of mind since I was extremely homesick myself, desperately missing my mountains, the Danube Delta, and the dear friends inhabiting those places. At least I had my mind set on returning there before I left while everyone else felt there was not going back for them. I decided to return without accomplishing what I had come here to accomplish, saving enough money to buy my dream house back in the country I had just left for that purpose. I always had an instinctual cold relation with money, something even America was not going to change. Before I left for what I still called home at the time, I was able to finish though my first novel, a three-volume saga about a lost generation, my generation. Even back then I would only write about things I experienced, and that was very dangerous considering the strict censorship arts and artists were treated to. It was a fictional story based on real facts, I was pleased with the outcome, but not sure they will publish something like that back home. had done what my conscience dictated me to do and did not doubt for a minute that I had done the right thing. I The world was changing, though, that was to allow for such books to be published, and most importantly I wanted to be part of that change. So, back to a home country that was still a prison I went. 

As difficult to imagine as that was, I found it in an even worse shape than it was when I left. A representative of the government showed up at my door unannounced to ask me, very politely, to write an article critical of America. It was to be published in one of the state-owned magazines. Not that everything I saw and experienced in America made a great impression on me - at that time New York's 42nd Street was a replica of what hell may look like if there was such a thing as hell, but I refused to do it. I wrote an article that was not what they wanted, my militant explanation being, there is always something good to take from our life lessons, so why focus on the negative. A consequence of that, I was blacklisted, I was not allowed to work as an actor in the capital, the national center of cultural activities, and for the next four years the manuscript of the novel I brought with me from Brooklyn remained locked inside a cabinet file a the state-owned publishing house. As it turned that, that was done for my protection.

All so-called Communist regimes in Eastern Europe had been replaced by now or were in course of being replaced with western-type democracies. Not the one in my country, though, but you could sense the volcano was about to erupt. By the end of 1989, the leader of the regime was ousted, basically assassinated during what at the time most everyone thought it was a popular revolt. Some of us would realize within hours it was a coup d'état organized by members of the old regime, with support from Moscow and Washington. Unlike in the case of all the other Eastern European countries where the regime change was brought about through what the media described as a "velvet revolution," the one in our country was bloody, one could say ugly, and nobody on the outside it could tell at that moment what entities were exactly involved or who was shooting at the people and why. 

I put my writing and analytical skills to better use and I would soon be hired full time by a newspaper with national distribution to write social and political commentary. Because of that I would be a close observer of many dramatic events and I met with and interview people one way or the other associated with what was going on. Very soon I realized the country was the victim of a staged power take over. I personally knew some of the actors of the staged revolution, with most people in the streets being used as pawns, unpaid extras in a scripted show meant to give legitimacy to the new leaders. What I found out in that regard was unprintable under those new "democratic" circumstances. We were considered opposition by the interim governing bodies, and because of that we were now under constant threat. 

Old regime people and coup organizers won the proclaimed democratic elections, and I would witness crass irregularities committed at the voting stations. Once the power grab was completed, there was violence in the streets directed at those protesting the new regime, at the political parties in opposition, and at the critics of the new regime among the press. My newspaper was one of the targets and our headquarters were ransacked by government mobs. A night of the long knives was to follow, friends in the western media warned me, and that brought me back to America. The year was 1990.


The end of October 1990, I left my old country, again, this time for good. To make it easier for us to settle, I left my wife and two children behind so I could make arrangements without any pressure on me. Considering what was going on the country, my personal circumstances, the fact that the American president had declared my country before I left a return to dictatorship while the headquarters of my paper had been ransacked by government people, and being that I have been reporting for my paper on a major street revolt against those who had just taken power, I was extremely confident I would be granted asylum within weeks and that I was going to have them in America before Christmas. In other words, I had an ironclad case for political asylum. I also had someone who offered to help by providing a place to stay for us until we were going to get our own. Things would take though an unexpected turn, with that causing a complete change in my life. 

The first Gulf War (August 2, 1990 - February 28, 1991) was about to erupt after Iraq had invaded Kuwait, with the war itself starting beginning of February 1991 and lasting for a whole two weeks. With this being something I was going to find out much later, the United States military needed my country's refining capacities to make gas for its fighter jets, and the problem with that was that, as long as its government was listed as a dictatorship in the State Department's yearly country report and a violator of human rights, the US could not have cut that kind of a deal with its leaders. To be able to get what America needed, the State Department changed the country report, and did that basically as I was flying to NewYork. I had no knowledge of that when I applied for asylum, but based on this new reality falsifying report, the INS had no grounds for granting me political asylum.

Again, I did not know all these things when I filed for asylum, and I was in a serious state of shock when, after for being for a long time now under lots of stress, an year and a half after I submitted my application the INS sent me a letter saying that since everything was alright in my country, they had no reason to grant asylum. The law was on my side, and yet the asylum granting process was artificially delayed to its longest possible limits. A couple of American Presidents and several senators and congressmen that offered to help when asked could not change the course of events, and in all honesty one is not sure they really tried to do that. As one of the lawyers I have consulted advised me, it would have been easier to have my children brought into the country illegally over the border with Mexico. The American immigration law is a rational law and also a very clear law. The State Department, however, tends to abide by immigration policy dictated by special interests, not by immigration law. As a result, I had to wait for nine interminable years before I was able to see my children again, ironclad case for political asylum and all. Seven years after I have arrived in America for the second time, it took the same immigration judge who initially rejected my request for asylum only two minutes to grant it based on the same evidence I had introduced four years earlier during a hearing that took place in his court, when my request was rejected, again. 

That prolonged unexpected separation had irreversible effects on our family. This unexpected development would in fact extend the isolation I was more or less forced into from the beginnings of my life. In retrospective, that degree of clear separation from normal left me with no other choice but focus on the mission I came here to accomplish, and as I was to find out a few years after my family joined me here, what a mission that was. 


There have been many extreme unusual developments in my life, with all of them having a positive influence on me. Even when they had the appearance of trauma, after a while I would realize why I had to go through that, and this way trauma would turn into illumination. As I would eventually realize, everything was in sync with the other unusual happenings I had experienced from the time I could remember things, and many of those happenings could only be described as paranormal preparatory events. While at the time I did not know what to make of them, these days I can tell they were meant to guide me to the trailhead where the journey in terms of work on this book project was to begin. In many instances, they would introduce me to knowledge I was to understand later, and once I started working at the book, everything made perfect sense.  

I would spend several years writing, among others, for newspapers serving my community in America, Canada, and Israel. During that time, I took on my personal topics of interest, social and political events, as well as on relatively new ones as far as my background was concerned, such as ancient and modern history, art, religion, and science. Following an essay I wrote in English being published by The Berkshires Eagle in 1995, I would not write anything else in English for ten years. The decision was the result of being extremely disappointed with the fact that my other "writings," the ones submitted with the IRS during the political asylum debacle where not taken into consideration by the authorities. From writing nothing in English for a long while, I went to writing a three-volume book of almost two thousand pages on which I worked closed to twenty years, something that I would appropriately, considering what goes these days in America and in the world, re-titled A Time of Change

I had nothing else to do writing-wise at the time, so, February of 2006, I decided to write an article for a college newspaper. The subject was to be, neither religion, nor the theory of evolution offered a rational explanation for the origin of life or the origin of our civilization for that matter. Very soon, the article became an essay, and than the essay became a book project. I knew that was a very controversial proposition, but I also knew I had strong evidence, as well as rational logic on my side. What I did not know at the time and it only became clear some eighteen months into working on the project was that the debate was staged. It was hard to believe that no one with our government or the academia was seeing what I was seeing when it came to the institution of religion and evolution. As a result, it was obvious someone wanted to make the people believe that these were their only options when it came to explaining the origin of life and of our civilization, and that it was a matter of personal preference to chose to support and basically live by one of them, even though both of them were false behind any doubt. And as the evidence leading over and over to that conclusion was piling up, the argument was getting more and more elaborate and more impossible to dismiss. A consequence of that, something else became very clear. Considering that this was something organized by those controlling the distribution of information, no one was going to publish it. The irony of it, that was the same situation I was back in my old country with the other three-volume book manuscript. Due to the circumstances, I could not publish it even after the old dictatorial regime collapsed.

I did not quite know what to do, with the book project being now in a place I did not envision when work on it started. This was going to be a little more than just controversial. This was going to be life changing at a planetary level. Then there was the fact  that since I had no credentials in the fields discussed, I am self-educated in everything I need to know, the English language included, with the Internet giving you access to almost everything they teach in colleges and universities, especially when you ask the right questions, critics with credential would have pointed at that to nullify my credibility while the media operatives were going to put in the hurry the label 'conspiracy theorist' on me to denigrate the content of the book. The fact is, precisely because I was not forced into ingurgitating all that the expert tells students in class and to the public, I was able to see things for what they are and not according to a manufactured understanding of reality the expert was indoctrinate with during his or her formative years. As a result, I had only two choices now: either abandon the project, or continue on that path and let the facts take me wherever they may. Almost two decades dedicated to this project later, I now realize that at one time my life became the project and the project was my life. Considering where I am today and what I have accomplished for the greater good of humankind, I would have not have it any other way.


By now it is obvious that, even though a knowledgeable individual's input into consideration is something to always take into consideration, A Time of Change is not a collection of opinions issued by experts. Nor is this a book of personal assumptions. The reader will find in it facts most of us either did not know existed even though they had been right before our eyes all the time, or we were made to adopt an erroneous understanding of them. These facts are placed now within their appropriate context, with that leading to an accurate understanding of the reality of what we are and of why we are here, something different from the one issued for thousands of years in houses of worship, in the history books of the last millennium, by mainstream historians in more recent times, and by certain scientists promoting evolution as fact in the last one-hundred-and-sixty years. What you are going to have before your eyes and mind, with you being the one to decide if what you witness is true or not, is a very large puzzle revealing for the first time in our history a realistic image of our civilization. In a game of puzzle there is no cheating. You must have all the right pieces in the right place, or else you don't get the picture.

There are entities out there who for a long time have been opposed to making public significant parts of the liberating truth you will be introduced to in the book. That was because a significant change in the people's perception of reality would lead to at change of status quo. The process of awakening is though inevitable, it cannot be stopped, and it is already happening. Unbeknownst to some people but not to all of us, our civilization is close to putting itself in a position that would allow us to make a paradigm shift in the way we exist on this planet. For that to happen, the status quo is going to have to change, and this book is meant to significantly help with that.

For, it will not just happen because for the next 2,100 years the planet and us as spiritual entities will be traveling through an astral conjuncture favoring unheard of progress and enlightenment. We will have to make it happen, and so we will. 

As an old word of wisdom goes, "Do good, then throw it into the sea." This is one man's gift to humankind. It is entirely up to humankind to decide how to use it.

* * *  

(At this time the manuscript has not been proofed by a second party.)

A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Quoting from the book is permitted but has to be accompanied by proper crediting by showing the source. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


A socialist and according to recently discovered correspondence a Freemason, Victor Hugo was a man of his time, which happened to be a revolutionary time. His work has greatly influenced the world he lived in, and one could make the argument that the Paris Commune of 1871 was in large part a consequence of the impact Les Misérables, the book he released in 1862, had on an already social-change-oriented French society.   

As the reader of A Time of Change is going to find out, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Rosicrucian and the progressive members of the Jewish Community, from the one known as Jesus all the way to Albert Einstein (see his 1949 essay Why Socialism?) have always advocated for social change that favor the multitudes and pointed at the evils of materialism and slavery, the basis for the capitalist system. It was the same type of social change Karl Marx, a contemporary of Victor Hugo and the de facto author of the 1848 Communist Manifesto (Engels only made a few contributions to it), felt it was not just necessary but also inevitable. 

The Manifesto happened to be another document that has significantly influenced the ones behind the Paris Commune and Victor Hugo himself. Marx was born in a non-religious Jewish family that converted to Christianity at a time when open anti-Semitism rooted in church dogma was making it very difficult, if not impossible for Jewish people to succeed professionally or to be accepted in certain circles, the academia included. As a result, it is no coincidence that, as history records show all these groups have been constantly vilified and heavily persecuted by religious institutions, especially by the Catholic Church and anyone in a position of power associated with the church. 

No coincidence because, as you are going to find out, capitalism was created by a Catholic Church that would became one of the major profiteers of a system that was and still is an extension of the institution of slavery. Because the Freemasons and the Catholic Church were on opposing sides when it came to social issues, with the church favoring a monarchial system of government while the Freemasons, the Rosicrucian, and the Illuminati, organizations with deep roots into an yet to be told true history of civilization Earth were advocating for the establishment of a republic that was to be a from-the-people and for-the-people form of government, something they would first attempt to implement in America, the official history of the world is a masked reflection of a subterranean conflict between two entities vying for control over the destiny of the Earth people. Masked because there is a constant cover-up of what goes on behind these institutions and behind our government, the non-pubic, yet, area where they vie for a position of control. 

In "Interview with Karl Marx, head of the L'Internationale," by R. Landor published in the New York World on July 18, 1871, only a couple of months after the Paris Commune, suspecting certain secret societies were behind "the last Insurrection," Landor asks Marx if such a thing was possible, that L'Internationale did not have full control over the events, and that many of the participants in the streets were not even aware of that. Familiar with the fact that the Catholic Church was accusing the Freemasons of organizing these large-scale upheavals that most of the time had an anti-religion and a specific anti-Catholic platform, even though he claimed full leadership by L'Internationale, Marx acknowledges that individual Freemasons were active members of his organization. In doing so he points of the fact that the church was trying to make that into something nefarious, as if the Freemasons were the evil incarnated: "Then it was a plot of the Freemasons, too, for their share in the work as individuals was by no means a slight one. I should not be surprised, indeed, to find the Pope setting down the whole insurrection to their account." The fact is, by and large the pope would have been right.

One of the defining elements of the agenda adopted by those who started the 1789 French Revolution, the 1848 Spring of Nations Revolution, the 1871 Paris Commune, and the 1917 Russian Revolution was anticlericalism. For the record, according to existing documents and traditions, this was the same position adopted by the one known as Jesus when he was already teaching in India during his formative years, the eighteen years of his life missing from the Bible, a position he did not abandon when he returned to Judea to start his mission there. As even some of the texts included in the New Testament of the Bible reveal, Jesus was known for despising and for being very critical of the priests. 

One other thing these social upheavals had in common was that, same as the Enlightenment movement, they were, indeed, organized by Freemasons. Regarding the French Revolution, a few founders of America, with Jefferson, Paine, and even Adams, who unlike Jefferson was not a fan of the revolt in France, or of Paine, were not just acknowledging the grave problems created by leaders of religious institutions with political and materialistic ambitions meddling in the governing of the European countries, but were also of the opinion that the priests had it coming. 

The other significant detail regarding these very turbulent times in the history of Europe and America is the fact that, proof they were their initiators, in large part the ideology, the motivation behind these revolutions, and that includes the American Revolution, had been laid out publicly by personalities associated with the Freemasons, the Rosicrucian, with the Illuminati, and by the pro-democracy activist Jewish intellectual. 

The existential system every progressive was critical of kept producing a substantial class of poor people forced to work for the rich people so they could make a living, a goal barely accomplished. This was the reason why in Les Misérables, Hugo chose to tell the story of the June 1832 revolt in Paris, a story the authors of the musical with the same title, it premiered in the city of lights in 1980, focused on. Something we should ponder over once in while, after all this is recorded in our history books, way before Marx, Engels, and Lenin, class struggle and class conflict has been a recurring and, in fact, defining aspect of the history of humankind on this planet.

Contact in a public forum with new ideas and awareness of new and more accurate ways of understanding what is already known to Earth people leads to a change of perception of reality. That, in turn, creates the awareness of the need to make changes in the way we exist on this planet, and of what exactly must be changed. The often desperate desire for change experienced by those push beyond a certain limit is bound to come in conflict with the determination shown by those who profit from the current system as they protect and preserve a status quo that benefits them and them only. That inevitably results in social and economic chaos that fuels street revolt. As the same history records show, though, by and large even when the motivation for change was a well-thought by enlightened entities ideal, by definition chaotic violent events tend to fail to reach their declared objectives. 

Street revolutions are not always as spontaneous as they appear to be. At the same time, to avoid major chaos, entities having a certain measure of control over civilization Earth either hinder progress or slow it down so that the wheels of the current system would not come off. The idea behind that is to prevent the global community from plunging into an unmanageable situation. One should not assume though there is unity of opinion at the deep state level regarding how progress should be achieved and what it should consist of. There are several levels of unseen unelected controlling self-appointed authorities.

We live in a time when major change is not only expected to occur but it must occur and will occur. Opposition to change or lack of interest in change is going to generate the same kind of unmanageable chaos that would logically result from an impulsive attempt at abolishing the current system overnight. 

In Les Misérables we find the best explanation for why A Time of Change came to be. In the Preface to the book, Hugo describes in impressive details what has motivated him to write his own book, and as one reads through that, it dawns on him that the human aspiration toward living in liberty, as equals to each other, man or woman, and as a planetary brotherhood is a reaction to the constrictions and the artificial challenges created by the current existential system, one the Earth people were not responsible for. Since the system has remained the same for thousands of years, so is what hinders today our efforts to fulfill those aspirations. What changes is the realization by more and more inhabitants of the planet not only what the message in the liberating truth is but of the fact that they have the individual and the collective power of living according to that truth.

In the end, the implication is that there is a constant burning willingness in the people's hearts and souls to brake loose from the chains of deceit, oppression, and inequality that keep them enslaved to the material, something as real and valid today as it was in 1862 when Hugo released his book. According to him,

"So long as there shall exist, by reason of law and custom, a social condemnation, which, in the face of civilization, artificially creates hells on earth, and complicates a destiny that is divine, with human fatality; so long as the three problems of the age - the degradation of man by poverty, the ruin of woman by starvation, and the dwarfing of childhood by physical and spiritual night - are not solved; so long as, in certain regions, social asphyxia shall be possible; in other words, and from a yet more extended point of view, so long as ignorance and misery remain on earth, books like this cannot be useless." - Hauteville House, 1862

That makes one entertain the thought that, A Time of Change too is not a useless book after all. 

In fact, In large part a consequence of those partially failed revolutions of the past, we are in a better place today as a civilization than we were in 1862. Many of the problems enumerated by Hugo, however, those artificial "hells," as he calls them, have not been yet resolved. The good news is, they are about to be resolved, once and forever.

(Originally published June 6, 2021)




A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Quoting from the book is permitted but has to be accompanied by proper crediting by showing the source. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it.

Friday, July 8, 2022


An interesting thing happened the other day on the way to the social media Forum. Elon Musk was engaged in a bizarre crusade, on Twitter, which as the Internet rumor had it, he was not going to buy it in the end. Oh, the game of politics, deal or no deal. He did buy Twitter, in the end, and the world went afire. He renamed it X, from SpaceX, one would think, and yet ex refers to a has-been, your ex-husband or ex-wife. He may want to work on that. That aside, Musk wants to increase the population of the planet, by how many of us he does not say. He wants that because he is convinced we are in the middle of a population crisis. As a matter of fact, a year after he made those strange remarks he continued to claim we are experiencing population collapse. Hard to say where that came from considering that most of the time he seems to be a rational human being. Data anyone could access shows the population of the planet has more than doubled since 1975. So, what's behind this let's have more babies drive by racket and satellite launcher Musk?

One of his twits said, "Population of Mars is still zero people!", the idea behind that being, we need more people because we must populate Mars. Without people you don't have a Martian civilization. As some of you may know it, Mars was once inhabited, there is evidence to that there the rovers do not show to the taxpayer who pays for them, and then someone figured out a way of making it an uninhabitable red rock in the sky. Careful what you do with planet Earth now. In my 
reaction to Musk's remark I mentioned that, in fact, there are a few people on Mars already, with some of those being Eartheans, something the public is not told, for now. 

We actually have a serious overpopulation problem on our hands, the opposite of population collapse. Our friends in high places have warned us about that many a time in the past. In the second part of my comment I invited everyone, Musk included, to search for "Georgia Guidestones." The first thing that appears engraved on these stone the origin of which no one knows, is, "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." The reason why I got involved in this conversation on social media was that overpopulation and related to that the Guidestones are discussed in A Time of Change. In other words, I looked into this topic and I know enough to reach an educated conclusion. Among others, for the first time in the history of this monument the public is going to find out what has motivated the anonymous builders to erect this unique, highly controversial stone feature.

What I did not know at the time I was replying to Musk was that 48 hours earlier a bomb went off at the Georgia Guidestones causing substantial damage. This was not the first time an act of domestic terrorism was committed at this site, and one could only wonder who is behind it. We do know that the religious right is constantly advocating against abortion and for having more babies born of willing or unwilling mothers. After all, it is good for business. 

The monument was rebuilt, and it will be rebuilt again. That said the bombing of a monument where the engraved text on it invites us to reduce the population of the planet and to leave room for nature happening at the precise time Elon Musk was waging his campaign for getting Earth people to multiply even more to subdue the Earth, as the Bible says we should do seemed an unlike coincidence. Something else the Bible does not say is what the consequences will be if we keep increasing in number, reason why most religious people assume, encouraged to do so by religious leaders and their politician friend claiming to be serving God when when, in fact, they serve the corporate world and themselves, that there isn't going to be any of that. The more the merrier, as they say, except that none of that is true.

So who was behind this new attempt at destroying a monument where whoever carved the unusual text on it insists that, contrary to what Musk and associates have in mind, we must reduce the population of the planet, that we must "leave room for nature." The implication is this needs to be on top of our list of things to do if we want to survive as a civilization. Either Musk's crusade for an increase in the Earth's population coupled with the bombing of an engraving that says don't do that if don't want to suffocate nature and limit your chances at progress and survival was a miraculous coincidence, or someone has coordinated the bombing with Musk's bizarre remarks. 

Here is the most significant part of the inscriptions carved on the Georgia Guidestones:

1.  Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2.  Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

3.  Unite humanity with a living new language.

4.  Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

5.  Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6.  Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7.  Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8.  Balance personal rights with social duties.

9.  Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

Overpopulation is discussed extensively in A Time of Change, Volume 2, with the origin of the message engraved on the Georgia Guidestones being revealed in Volume 3, the last volume of the book.  

As seen, a few days later Musk explained his "Population of Mars is still zero people!" as a reference to the fact that at one point, as part of another experiment, at least some of us are going to move to Mars, reason why he was advocating for an increase in the Earth population. So, according to the same Musk, we don't have a population collapse after all. We just need more people to populate a terraformed Mars. 

For a few years now there has been talk of terraforming Mars, of turning it into a life-sustaining planet, again. Something possible according to many, not everybody agrees with that, we are, however, at least one hundred thousand years away from being able to breathe freely on Mars, with others saying is more like one hundred million years while others claim we are only 50 years away from that. Do scientists really believe we are only 50 years away from a green and breathable Mars? According to sources, there are Earth people on Mars and on the Moon right now, working in collaboration with some of our friends in high places. They do that from inside bases established by "them," not by us, a long time ago. This is not a sci-fi fantasy, and information on that has been constantly leaked along the years by former NASA employees and military retirees. Not the only source on that, see also Ancient Aliens, Season 12 Episode 9, on History Channel, and they do not only claim things. They show documents unveiled by those behind the show to prove it.

There was a new development in 2023, with Musk and certain entities behind the curtains taking the whole thing global, as in a notch up. They produced charts and numbers meant to scare us about Japan and Italy and other countries who are going to lose more than half their population. So, this is supposed now to be something bad for our civilization, even though common sense and previous studies showing overpopulation is the number one threat to our survival as a civilization is on the other side of their scare tactics? As for those charts, anybody can draw one and make a video about it, and until recently "the scientists" were bombarding us with dozens of charts showing clearly that we were experiencing a global worming trend, except that those charts were fake, they were debunked, and guess what, nobody talks global worming today. Climate change, on the other hand, is real, is cyclical, and the actual trend is toward cooling, as demonstrated by a group of non-political scientists as early as 1978 and as recent information released by NOAA is showing.

Our civilization is being faced with an overpopulation crisis that could cause at any time a serious existential crisis. Musk says we have infinite resources on the planet, and we know that too is not true in some instances. He says we will not have a water problem because desalinization is very cheap. This is not what a good number of sources are saying, with a few other claiming, indeed, desalinization is cheap. Kind of like those sources claiming it will take at least 100,000 years to terraform mars, with others claiming we only need 50 years to be able to go breathe air on Mars. So, who do you trust, if you are the public, since "the scientists are saying" is a statement with no actual meaning. 

Sure enough, a recent headline on the online edition of Fortune magazine read, "One week after Elon Musk talked about an 'underpopulation crisis,' the U.N. says the world population is set to continue growing until 2100." (Tristan Bove, July 11, 2022) 

Without a doubt, Musk is one way or the other associated with those vying for control over the future of our civilization. We just don't know which side he is on. Not yet. Among others, he could not put rackets and satellites in space without someone giving him the green light to do it, as NASA is busy building the next generation of space transporters. He is also working with the military to create an all-electric fighter jet, or so we were told. Obviously teamed up with one of the factions that are the real leaders of America and of the world, they do not call us conspiracy theorists for nothing even though common sense is on our side, or perhaps precisely because of that, one kind of wonders what the agenda of his group is. For, population collapse crisis is not your real concern if your objective is to move millions, or maybe billions of Earth people to Mars. That means planet Earth is going to be left with a lot less people than the numbers recently proposed by BBC as a desperate warning. As far as rational thinking goes, maintaining humanity under or around 500,000,000 so we could be in perpetual balance with nature, this must be our agenda, or else.

On January 1, 2023, CBS' 60 Minutes aired a piece by Scott Pelley titled The Vanishing Wild. The main topic was the fact that, among others, overpopulation is causing the extinction of many species of wild animals. The decision by CBS to run that piece at that precise time seems to have been made based on the fact that on December 7, 2022, the United Nations held a conference on Biodiversity. At this occasion, it was stated that "Humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction," and that humankind is "committing suicide by proxy." 

Once certain species become extinct or close to becoming extinct, an entire ecosystem collapses. More people means more wildlife habitat encroachment. More people means more hunters, which means less wild life per fewer square miles, and since all ecosystems ensure that planet Earth maintains its life-sustaining capabilities, the extinction of one species has a negative domino-effect on our civilization. 

More people also means more pollution, and we are not talking here only gas emissions from driving more cars. We are also talking an increase in the production of more cars, which causes more pollution and requires more finite resources and energy, we are talking more garbage, and more chemicals used to force plants to produce more food so we can keep up with the increase in population. As many of you may have observed, the fruits and vegetable they sell today in stores, including the organic one, do not look or taste anything like the fruits and vegetable we used to put on the table fifty years ago. That means more pesticides too, which, especially in America are still being used in huge quantities. At the same time more people means more consumers and more cheap labor for corporations, which is why they have entire populations migrating to the more developed areas some plan to develop even more in the future, so they will generate even more profit for them. At the same time, more people living in poverty or under the threat of becoming impoverished means more people in churches, which means more money for religious institutions and their leaders.   

Elon Musk states lots of "right" things these days on his private Twitter, uninspiringly renamed X after his other company (Using X in a sentence: I sent you a couple of x's last week. Did you get them?), and during more or less friendly TV interviews. At times he says rational things that make perfect sense. His population collapse warning, however, is on the opposite side of that. One could see how this we-need-more-people-on-our-planet may be intended as a way of appeasing the pro-life ultra-religious communities of America that vote in elections. What really is behind it will become more visible once we get closer to the 2024 elections.

It is doubtful the institution of Presidency and the popular vote will survive. The way things are right now, with our current appointed President and a political class catering to the military industrial complex do not really represent the people who vote in elections. They are intercessors for the group behind the individual placed in the Oval Office by those invisible entities behind our government. We need to switch to a merit-based system, with the country and the world being managed by a council of the wise elected from among the wisest by the wisest, not by people fed falsehood from all directions. The sage always has the interest of the masses at his or her heart.

PS1. - Are we going to see Musk in the White House at the end of 2024? He was born in South Africa and is not eligible for either presidency or vice-presidency. There are lots of things happening today in America though and in the world that are not by the book. On September 22, 2023, his X account posted an art image of Musk shown in a presidential posture, with the caption reading, "Would you vote for Elon Musk to be the President of United States of America?" Again, behind most everyone that ever was in the Oval Office there was a group with an agenda. So, whose agenda is going to be this time, and is it going to be good for the population of the planet? Stay tuned for new and significant planned developments. 

PS2. - December 22, 2024.  On November 13, Reuters was announcing that "U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday named Elon Musk to a role aimed at creating a more efficient government, handing even more influence to the world's richest man who donated millions of dollars to helping Trump get elected." For the record, Musk spent at least $277 millions of his own money to have Trump elected in November. 

A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. You can only share it with others free of charge. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or any part of it. 


Sunday, June 5, 2022



Years ago during a particularly trying time in my life, at the suggestion of a friend I went to see a renown local seer. I had never done anything like that before, or after, but desperation can be a bold adviser. Part of what I was told was good news-bad news. It came to pass, the good news, six years later, which was the bad news. I did not know what to make of the other thing. One day, she said, you are going to write a unique book that is going to shock a lot of people. Thirteen years later I started working on the project that in the end became A Time of Change.  

        It would take sixteen years of intense researching, soul-searching, and editing to finish it. Sixteen years is an unusual long time to write one book. A decade into a project that was reaching now depths I did not anticipate, I realized it was a lot more than that. Everything I had experienced beginning with early childhood prepared me for the day I would take on this unique book project. 

“The Ultimate Tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.”
                                       - Bringers of the Dawn, Outside the Ultimate Tyranny

         The book is bound to upset and trouble some, at the same time benefiting anyone who opens up his or her self to receiving the knowledge that generates the revelations the author of the book himself has experienced. We are living the beginnings of a tremendous time of change, the status quo is going to gradually come undone, and no matter how upset some of us are going to be, it cannot be prevented. 
"Know that we do not have many of the answers you were told we have and that many of the answers provided in schools, universities, and in houses of worship are deliberate distortions of a reality kept hidden from the Earth-human for thousands of years now. Know that we have answers you have not been told we have. Seek the liberating truth."
                                                          - A Time of Change
         The beauty of shredding to pieces restrictive walls and veils of deception preventing Earth people from realizing their true nature and purpose resides in the fact that there is something luminous and empowering on the other side of this chaotic, challenging world they have been made to perceive as reality. For as we were once told, with certain entities deliberately misinterpreting that, the truth is going to set us free. The reader will experience both the undoing of the old perception of reality and the uncovering of a dimension of our world he or she never knew existed.   
        Once this became a very big book, it was divided into three volumes. There is continuity in terms of the story told, and yet each volume stands on its own. This book is going to keep your book club busy for a while.

A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it. (

Thursday, July 29, 2021


I don't remember how I ended up putting together this one, but it must have been the tempting challenge of remembering every single topic addressed in the book for the purpose of letting the potential reader know what to expect. I cannot imagine anyone going through the entire list, I am not even sure I was able to cover everything, and yet to some extent it would be very helpful for you to at least try. 

The list was upgraded every time something else would come to mind. What matters and you should know is that all these topics and targets are interrelated, closely connected, pieces of a game of puzzle revealing the most accurate picture of our civilization you were ever able to look at. 

For thousands of years all the way to present day humankind has been living a carefully organized fantasy meant to keep Earth people in the dark about the reality of what they are, of where they come from, and of the true purpose of experiencing the earth plane. That is about to change.


Charles Darwin, the theory of evolution, gradualism, the 1953 Kettlewell peppered moth fraud, Richard Dawkins, Kenneth Miller, Chromosome 2 fusion, Stephen Jay Gould, Lamarck, Project Steven, DNA, Michael Behe, irreducible complexity, On the Origin of Species, The Descent of Man, Thomas Huxley, agnostic, Fred Hoyle, the Boeing 747 argument, PBS Evolution Series, Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial, Of Pandas and People, the First Amendment, the United States Constitution, the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, 

National Center for Science Education, Eugenie Scott, Jonathan Wells, Discovery Institute, Dissent from Darwinism, Michael Shermer, Charles Manson, Hitler, Stalin, Scientology, Michael Denton, Mark Twain, video-game, SETI, virtual reality, origin of language, origin of Latin and Sanskrit, Seth Shostak, The Bible and slavery, The Torah, The Talmud, Talmud Jmmanuel, The Book of Genesis, The Book of Enoch, The Quran, the real meaning of the term god, Spinoza's god, Creationism, Quantum physics, Adam and Eve, Intelligent Design, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, yin and yang,

Greek Cosmogony, Plato, Socrates, Herodotus, Strabo, Jesus and his anti-religion teachings, Judaism, Islam, The Quran, Prophet Muhammad, the spiritual, the metaphysical, Consciousness, Aquarian children, Crystal Children, Indigo Children, Christmas, Easter, Lent, Halloween, Holi, Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, FOX News, Bill O’Reilly, George W. Bush, Glenn Beck, religion, politics, FDA, Coors Beer, the religious right, Pat Robertson, Charles Taylor, Joel Osteen, Billy and Franklin Graham, Ted Haggard, Jesus Camp, evangelism, money, Eastern Europe, the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, Peter the Zealot, Paul the Gnostic, Essenes, Gnostic literature, Catholic priests, rabbis, sheiks, sexual abuse of children, baptism, circumcision,

Petra, Helena Blavatsky, Egypt, the Pyramids of Giza, the Hawara Labyrinth, Egyptologists, Zahi Hawass, Mark Lehner, the Sphinx, Osirion, Cathari, Donation of Constantine and the rise of the Catholic Church, Catholic Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Kabbalah, the Sephirothic Tree, tree of life, tree of knowledge, Mary Magdalene, Edgar Cayce, The Maya Book of Destiny, Rosemary Altea, Brian Weiss, Atlantis, Lemuria, Mesoamerica, Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, Leonardo Da Vinci, Last Supper, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, The Jesus Mysteries, The Mona Lisa real mystery, Salvator Mundi, Gnostic Gospels, The Nag Hammadi Library, Tertullian, Mary Magdalene, the Christ, Paul or Saul of Tarsus, The Old Testament, The New Testament, Edward Leedskalnin, Coral Castle,

Dinosaurs, wolfs and dogs, house cats and wild cats, a Grand Canyon mystery, geology, Cuvier, Robert Chambers, Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, Pierre Plantard, Priory of Sion, France, progressive Jews, and the Freemasons, the Illuminati and the founding fathers of America, the Jewish people of the Roman empire and the rise of church Christianity, the Brotherhood of the Serpent, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, Rosicrucian, Washington Monument, Washington DC, Rome, Roman Empire, The Vatican, The pope, Father Bérenger Saunière, Rennes-le-Château, Marshal Pétain, Fascism, The Catholic and the Third Reich, Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, Atheism, Consumerism, 

UFO, USO, Hollow Earth, the 1680 UFO French Jetton, Orion, Pleiades, Billy Meier, The Pleiadian Mission, The Contact Notes, Barbara Marciniak, China and the Chinese pyramids, Maya and the Mayan Calendar, The Mayan Book of Life, Disclosure Project, Akhenaton, Nefertiti, Monotheism, the Akashic Record, The future of humankind ...

* * *

Links to Volume 1, Part 1 and Part 2, and Volume 2 below. Volume 3 should be ready for release the end of November 2024. Due to their size, Volume 1 and 3 are divided in two parts. Google Documents is unable to open a larger file. After you open it, click on the + sign to choose the font size that suits you. In this format you do not have access to the live links in the manuscript. For a Read Only Word document where access to the links is allowed, sent a request to atimeofchangePG@gmail.comAt this time there is no organized promoting of the book. The best way of sharing it with friends and family is by providing the website address:

(At this time the manuscript has not been proofed by a second party.)

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 1 (PDF active)    

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 2 ( PDF active)    



A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it. 


Thursday, April 8, 2021


In an article published on online recently, the readers were made aware that

"Lightning strikes on the early Earth over the course of 1 billion years could have been key to the formation of the first life on our planet, according to a new study." 

So, what was this "new study" about? It certainly did not reveal a scientific fact, and the proof of that is their admission that his "could have been the key to the formation of the first life on our planet." The use of the conditional past tense implies they do not know for sure, new study and all, which makes one wonder why as a scientist make a public statement about what might have happen. According to English language rules, "conditional grammar expresses an idea that is not real. It did not happen." As a result, this group of scientists was sharing with the world a "novel" idea that was not real, the assumption that lightning might have started a process that led to the appearance of life on planet Earth. The subliminal admission there was that after more than 160 years from the time Darwin published On the Origin of Species, with them claiming over and over on all channels this is a revolutionary work by a revolutionary mind, they still do not know what caused the appearance of life on this planet or anywhere else in the universe for that matter. Sure enough, as you are going to see in A Time of Change, On the Origin of Species is not about the origin of species. 

For those who pay attention to the meaning of the words, the title of the paper reveals the study does not come even close to explaining the formation of the first life forms. It only suggests, key word, repeat lightning strikes over 1 billion years might have been "a major facilitator of prebiotic phosphorus reduction on early Earth." That is an assumed development. Nevertheless, they suppose it opened the door to a process of evolution that over millions and millions of year has produced, they say, the amazing diversity of life forms we have today on this planet, thousands of different mammals, reptiles, birds, fishes, insects, and yes, humans too. Except that, contrary to what the evolutionists are claiming, there is zero evidence that process really took place. Despite that, they teach evolution in schools and universities as if it were science fact while for more than a decade now churches decided it would be good for business to endorse evolution and praise Darwin all the way to the imaginary kingdom of what is now a gradualist God. They did that afraid, and rightfully so that the reality of intelligent design is going to make the entire dogma of religion collapse as a house of cards, so, we ended up with both creationists and evolutionists rejecting design. 

There is another aspect of what we have hear that needs to be addressed. The same article says, 

"The new study — in the journal Nature Communications — suggests trillions of lightning strikes spanning about 1 billion years helped create phosphorous, a key ingredient in the formation of life." 
(Lightning strikes as a major facilitator of prebiotic phosphorus reduction on early Earth, by Benjamin L. Hess, Sandra Piazolo, Jason Harvey, March 16, 2021) (

Nature Communications is an open access science journal, and that calls for us to be extremely circumspect about the validity of everything published under its patronage. Open access means, you pay, they publish your paper, then your paper and you as its author gains some measure of popularity because it has appeared in a science journal. As a result, you can claim now you are a published researcher. This opens the door to book publishing and to the lecturing circuit where you will diligently promote your book on something that is perceived as been peer reviewed even though no one known if this was the case or not. In addition to that, precisely what we have in this instance, somebody with an agenda is going to quote from your published paper to make a point in line with the old reality-defying adagio saying evolution is fact, fact, fact, as the good people of Axios did. In other words, you pay to have a so-called research paper stating something false labeled science that someone else would reference to make the case for evolution even though reality tells a different story about biological gradualism and about the history of life on this planet in general.

Most open access science journals claim they peer-review every single submission.They do not. A less known fact by the large public, there are huge problems with peer reviewing. How huge? There have been a number of tests conducted by certain scientific organizations and journals to make sure the open access system is credible and reliable, and the results were not exactly reassuring. 

One of those tests was conducted a few years ago by Science magazine. It used a spoof cancer study containing errors any honest reviewer would have easily caught. A significant number of open access science journals agreed to publish it, over one hundred of them. There is money to be made in the scientific paper publishing business too, and while they claimed they were peer-reviewing everything published, many of them did not and they published the faulty study the way it was, errors and all. There are close to 12,000 open access journals in America alone, and there is a strong possibility this was not the only instance when a faulty study claimed to have been peer-reviewed when in reality it was not was published.

About this "new study" on the effect lightning might have had on the appearance of life on Earth, Benjamin Hess, one of the authors of the paper declared that, “This work helps us understand how life may have formed on Earth and how it could still be forming on other Earth-like planets.” The first problem with his claim that jumps right at you aside from the already mentioned here problem with evolutionists always making "may have" and "could" as part of their argument, meaning their input is only an assumption is that the new theory was actually decades old, something the majority of the public would not know. This makes one also question the real intent of those involved in the study, and related to that, their honesty. 

According to an article published in Sky News in 2016,

"For nearly nine decades, science’s favorite explanation for the origin of life has been the “primordial soup”. This is the idea that life began from a series of chemical reactions in a warm pond on Earth’s surface, triggered by an external energy source such as lightning strike or ultraviolet (UV) light." (Have We Been Wrong About Life's Origin, by Arunas L. Radzvilavicius, at the time a Postdoctoral Researcher in Evolutionary Biology with the University of Pennsylvania.) 

To give the theory of evolution an otherwise false aura of academic legitimacy, biology is no longer just biology, it is "Evolutionary Biology," and yet no one could tell the difference, in a rational way that is. 

Other than that, the fact is the "lightening theory" was thrown around for many years now, meaning at the best the authors of the "new study" were assuming the same thing others have been assuming for decades, with no one having evidence this was what happened, leads us to asking the same question asked before: What was the real reason for publishing and discussing the results of a "new study" that is neither new, nor a real study. Are we to believe the scientists associated with this farce were completely in the dark about the fact that in the past 100 years other scientists would once in a while propose the same thing, that lightning may have caused life to miraculously appear on our planet, and that same as the authors of the new study none of them had any idea if this did, indeed, happen?

They assume things all the time, could have/may have, and that is because they either have no idea what happened or do not want to share with the public what they know about what really happened. Evolutionists are confidently throwing around 
such non-factual concepts as abiogenesis, something supposedly describing the spontaneous birth of life forms from chemicals and other amorphous material, which is as much of a miracle as the six-day creation in the Genesis is, and speciation, which is imaginary gradual evolution spelled differently. In reality, and as basically even the authors of this study admit, no one knows how life has appeared on our planet, a reminder of the fact that, indeed, Darwin's On the Origin of the Species does not address the question of the origin of species and that the title of his book is a false label placed on an empty box. 

Most everyone in the scientific community would agree, off the record of course, the claim that gradual biological evolution could occur spontaneously in nature and that on top of everything else it occurred at a slow pace over millions of years does not just defy common sense. It is biologically and genetically impossible, and one does not need to be a biologist or a geneticist to be able to understand that. Basic common sense does the trick just fine. 

Random natural events do not code genetic information, which is what we have in the case of the DNA and of other genetic devices, nor could an assumed process of adaptation generate coherent changes in an existing genetic code during the life of the species. Only a genetic engineer could do that. Then there is the indisputable fact that, to be able to reproduce as a species and this perpetuate the species, you would have to have all you organs together and in working condition from day one of your setting foot on this planet, separate male and separate female sex organs included. If you don't have the reproduction organs, and this is known as the queen of all problems for the theory of evolution, you are the last generation of your species. 

According to evolutionists, all your species' organs have been in a transitional stage for millions of years. The meaning of that is you were a non-functioning species for all that time. That defies common sense. In line with that, it means  natural selection, otherwise an imaginary process, had nothing of value to hold on to, to preserve. A rational logical conclusion, neither gradual mutations, nor natural election happened. 

As publicly admitted even by some of those on-again, off-again supporters of Darwinism, with American evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould making a strong case against evolution only to be forced by editorial staff serving the protectors of the status quo to declare evolution fact, there has been a code of silence imposed on scientists on this subject, something similar to the UFO phenomenon 
and the contacts we made for thousands of years with extraterrestrials being a taboo topic for the media. Albert Einstein, for example, who was not just a brilliant scientist but also a philosopher, would weigh in on all sorts of topics of human interest. He has never discussed evolution publicly, one way or the other, and yet we know for a fact he was well-aware of the controversy. 

The code of silence imposed and enforced by the academia, the reason for that is one does not want to give comfort to creationists, resulted in only scientists entertaining beliefs in the existence of some kind of higher power being heard speaking publicly against evolution, and even though some of them are Nobel Prize recipients in all sorts of science related fields, the evolution propaganda machine calls them creationists and invites the public to dismiss their otherwise valid scientific argument against gradualism. 

These days a Catholic Church and a Church of England supposedly working for that delusion God, as described by Richard Dawkins, the front man of the pro-evolution cabala within the academia, have officially endorsed evolution, and Atheist Dawkins cheerfully interviews men of God, in the house of God, who now say evolution is fact and that intelligent design should not be taught in schools. As you are going to see, they do not do that because they sincerely believe evolution is fact, almost no one out there truly believes that and we have the Gallup polls to prove it. They do it because they realized a public aware of the true meaning of the reality of intelligent design would have catastrophic consequences for the existence of their religious institutions, reason why they joined the evolutionists in Dover, Pennsylvania, where in 2005, a judge appointed by someone behind the government put a what in fact was an unconstitutional ban on discussing ID in schools. The actual reason why they would rather endorse evolution then have intelligent design discussed in science class is that they too want to protect a status quo the survival of their multi-billion-dollar preaching of irrational belief industry depends on. 

Creationists and evolutionists were equally happy when at the end of that 2005 sham trial, a judge of no scientific expertise declared evolution fact and officially banned, as planned, discussing intelligent design in public schools under the false pretense that ID was religion. This was no normal judicial process, and the entities behind our government needed the ban because intelligent design stands exactly for what Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the DNA and Nobel Prize recipient for that had declared in his 1981 book Life Itself about the origin of the DNA: The DNA is not from Earth. It was created by an advanced civilization and was brought here for the purpose of preserving a special knowledge by the way of an experiment that was to result in the most advanced civilization in the entire universe.


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