Embolden by the scientific advancements made during the Age of Enlightenment, a small group of intellectuals led by Thomas Huxley were looking for an alternative to religious irrational. Though neither one of them believed gradual evolution was fact, they decided to use Darwin and a theory he had actually borrowed from French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck as a surrogate explanation until someone else would have found the actual scientific explanation for the origin of life. It was either that or that, as a Freemason, Huxley was aware humankind was not ready yet to process the real story of its origins.
From the beginning, the few supporters of an otherwise very confused, science-challenged Charles Darwin were well aware there was no evidence in the observable nature or the known natural law for gradualism. Once other scientists apparently figured out what was behind the existence of civilization Earth, at the demand of entities in control of the world from behind our governments they were to keep that a very tight secret.
The only way they could prevent that reality from being acknowledged publicly was by pretending in a coordinated fashion that Darwinian evolution was absolute truth, that man had evolved from apes was indisputable fact, and that they had mountains of evidence proving that. As in any other similar circumstance, making claims is a lot easier than proving them true. At the same time, a population downgraded thousands of years earlier to the frequency of belief was predisposed of accepting everything it was told with confidence by individuals in a position of authority.
One hundred and sixty years later, gradualism is the same fallacy it was when Huxley and friends coached Darwin into publishing a manuscript that otherwise had been gathering dust on his desk for 23 years. Despite today's evolutionists promoting evolution as fact, it is difficult to believe they are unaware of the many major problems with this theory.
As a matter of principle, if their agenda is to put an end to the malefic influence religious belief and the institution of religion has had on our civilization for thousands of years, that would be a worthy cause. As the reader will find out, though, there is a more insidious purpose to the evolution hoax. Meanwhile, replacing a big lie with another big lie, the one falsely labeled the word of god being countered now with the false claim that species have evolved or could have evolved labeled science is far from being beneficial to our civilization. In fact, it is completely detrimental. Among others, it prevents Earth people from making significant advancement with their understanding of reality.
A new trend these days, much to a honest unattached observer's surprise even though deists creationists with a degree in science, not the same with church creationists, have made it more than clear with the help of indisputable scientific evidence the theory of evolution is pure and unadulterated nonsense, in recent years the Catholic Church, other Christian churches, some Judaic and Islamic leaders too have officially endorsed evolution and they practically hold hands now with the evolutionists. This is not the first time when religious institutions would forge an alliance of convenience with certain circles within the leadership of the scientific community by endorsing the official theory of the day. It is always done though not because they find the theory to be sound from a scientific point of view but because the truth about certain aspects related to the origin of the world would cause them to lose completely whatever was left of their credibility with the more trusting among the masses. Here is where the academia and our governments come to the rescue of the institution of religion by holding hands with them, the pay off being that some of the people are convinced the fallacy is a valid theory.
You do not have to be a biologist, a geneticist or a quantum physicist to realize gradual evolution is biologically and genetically impossible or that everything we perceive as material reality is not material or of the material. At the same time, that creationists with a degree in science have a valid scientific argument against evolution does not mean an all-knowing God allegedly having supernatural powers has created the world and everything in it, humans too, on a whim, in six days. The evidence debunking evolution is out there for all to see and analyze. Same as everybody else creationists have access to it, they use it to make a solid scientific case against evolution, and then they use that as support for their unsupported by evidence conclusion that the world was the creation of some kind of God with supper-natural powers.
They claim 97% of all scientists believe evolution is fact, and yet I am yet to meet a biology professor who would endorse evolution during a private conversation. What they declare in public is a different thing, with that being them conforming with the code of silence imposed by the academia leadership. It is rationalized through appellations to self-preservation, one's job and acceptance within the academia circles depending on that, and to the notion that one is not give comfort to creationists by telling it the way it is. One has to say whatever leadership wants him or her to say, or otherwise no teaching jobs, no books or papers published, and no book awards for you.
Stephen Jay Gould, a leading American evolutionist that at times would make the definitive case against gradual evolution, only to declare within the same article his unrestricted devotion to the theory of evolution has often complained about this code of silence imposed on scientists, and put that in writing. You are still not allowed to mention within the walls of an academic institution or on TV evidence debunking gradual evolution, or expose someone for making false claims on the side of evolution without risking being ostracized by the scientific community, with no one coming to your defense even when everyone knows you are telling truth. Everyone who dares exposing the evolution hoax is treated to personal attacks and a falsification of his or her position, something the author of A Time of Change has had a taste of it even before the book was completed.
A consequence of this absurd situation, between the dogma of religion and the dogma of evolution and materialism in general we exist according to a false perception of reality, something generating the aggravated state of crisis we are experiencing today. Scientists lose credibility when they hide facts or misinterpret evidence the public is aware of, and that explains why according to recent Gallup polls, scientists and science journalists are getting extremely low grades from America and from the world.
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A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 2 ( PDF active)
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