An interesting thing happened the other day on the way to the social media Forum. Elon Musk was engaged in a bizarre crusade, on Twitter, which as the Internet rumor had it, he was not going to buy it in the end. Oh, the game of politics, deal or no deal. He did buy Twitter, in the end, and the world went afire. He renamed it X, from SpaceX, one would think, and yet ex refers to a has-been, your ex-husband or ex-wife. He may want to work on that. That aside, Musk wants to increase the population of the planet, by how many of us he does not say. He wants that because he is convinced we are in the middle of a population crisis. As a matter of fact, a year after he made those strange remarks he continued to claim we are experiencing population collapse. Hard to say where that came from considering that most of the time he seems to be a rational human being. Data anyone could access shows the population of the planet has more than doubled since 1975. So, what's behind this let's have more babies drive by racket and satellite launcher Musk?
One of his twits said, "Population of Mars is still zero people!", the idea behind that being, we need more people because we must populate Mars. Without people you don't have a Martian civilization. As some of you may know it, Mars was once inhabited, there is evidence to that there the rovers do not show to the taxpayer who pays for them, and then someone figured out a way of making it an uninhabitable red rock in the sky. Careful what you do with planet Earth now. In my reaction to Musk's remark I mentioned that, in fact, there are a few people on Mars already, with some of those being Eartheans, something the public is not told, for now.
We actually have a serious overpopulation problem on our hands, the opposite of population collapse. Our friends in high places have warned us about that many a time in the past. In the second part of my comment I invited everyone, Musk included, to search for "Georgia Guidestones." The first thing that appears engraved on these stone the origin of which no one knows, is, "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." The reason why I got involved in this conversation on social media was that overpopulation and related to that the Guidestones are discussed in A Time of Change. In other words, I looked into this topic and I know enough to reach an educated conclusion. Among others, for the first time in the history of this monument the public is going to find out what has motivated the anonymous builders to erect this unique, highly controversial stone feature.
What I did not know at the time I was replying to Musk was that 48 hours earlier a bomb went off at the Georgia Guidestones causing substantial damage. This was not the first time an act of domestic terrorism was committed at this site, and one could only wonder who is behind it. We do know that the religious right is constantly advocating against abortion and for having more babies born of willing or unwilling mothers. After all, it is good for business.
The monument was rebuilt, and it will be rebuilt again. That said the bombing of a monument where the engraved text on it invites us to reduce the population of the planet and to leave room for nature happening at the precise time Elon Musk was waging his campaign for getting Earth people to multiply even more to subdue the Earth, as the Bible says we should do seemed an unlike coincidence. Something else the Bible does not say is what the consequences will be if we keep increasing in number, reason why most religious people assume, encouraged to do so by religious leaders and their politician friend claiming to be serving God when when, in fact, they serve the corporate world and themselves, that there isn't going to be any of that. The more the merrier, as they say, except that none of that is true.
So who was behind this new attempt at destroying a monument where whoever carved the unusual text on it insists that, contrary to what Musk and associates have in mind, we must reduce the population of the planet, that we must "leave room for nature." The implication is this needs to be on top of our list of things to do if we want to survive as a civilization. Either Musk's crusade for an increase in the Earth's population coupled with the bombing of an engraving that says don't do that if don't want to suffocate nature and limit your chances at progress and survival was a miraculous coincidence, or someone has coordinated the bombing with Musk's bizarre remarks.
Here is the most significant part of the inscriptions carved on the Georgia Guidestones:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
Overpopulation is discussed extensively in A Time of Change, Volume 2, with the origin of the message engraved on the Georgia Guidestones being revealed in Volume 3, the last volume of the book.
As seen, a few days later Musk explained his "Population of Mars is still zero people!" as a reference to the fact that at one point, as part of another experiment, at least some of us are going to move to Mars, reason why he was advocating for an increase in the Earth population. So, according to the same Musk, we don't have a population collapse after all. We just need more people to populate a terraformed Mars.
For a few years now there has been talk of terraforming Mars, of turning it into a life-sustaining planet, again. Something possible according to many, not everybody agrees with that, we are, however, at least one hundred thousand years away from being able to breathe freely on Mars, with others saying is more like one hundred million years while others claim we are only 50 years away from that. Do scientists really believe we are only 50 years away from a green and breathable Mars? According to sources, there are Earth people on Mars and on the Moon right now, working in collaboration with some of our friends in high places. They do that from inside bases established by "them," not by us, a long time ago. This is not a sci-fi fantasy, and information on that has been constantly leaked along the years by former NASA employees and military retirees. Not the only source on that, see also Ancient Aliens, Season 12 Episode 9, on History Channel, and they do not only claim things. They show documents unveiled by those behind the show to prove it.
There was a new development in 2023, with Musk and certain entities behind the curtains taking the whole thing global, as in a notch up. They produced charts and numbers meant to scare us about Japan and Italy and other countries who are going to lose more than half their population. So, this is supposed now to be something bad for our civilization, even though common sense and previous studies showing overpopulation is the number one threat to our survival as a civilization is on the other side of their scare tactics? As for those charts, anybody can draw one and make a video about it, and until recently "the scientists" were bombarding us with dozens of charts showing clearly that we were experiencing a global worming trend, except that those charts were fake, they were debunked, and guess what, nobody talks global worming today. Climate change, on the other hand, is real, is cyclical, and the actual trend is toward cooling, as demonstrated by a group of non-political scientists as early as 1978 and as recent information released by NOAA is showing.
Our civilization is being faced with an overpopulation crisis that could cause at any time a serious existential crisis. Musk says we have infinite resources on the planet, and we know that too is not true in some instances. He says we will not have a water problem because desalinization is very cheap. This is not what a good number of sources are saying, with a few other claiming, indeed, desalinization is cheap. Kind of like those sources claiming it will take at least 100,000 years to terraform mars, with others claiming we only need 50 years to be able to go breathe air on Mars. So, who do you trust, if you are the public, since "the scientists are saying" is a statement with no actual meaning.
Sure enough, a recent headline on the online edition of Fortune magazine read, "One week after Elon Musk talked about an 'underpopulation crisis,' the U.N. says the world population is set to continue growing until 2100." (Tristan Bove, July 11, 2022)
Without a doubt, Musk is one way or the other associated with those vying for control over the future of our civilization. We just don't know which side he is on. Not yet. Among others, he could not put rackets and satellites in space without someone giving him the green light to do it, as NASA is busy building the next generation of space transporters. He is also working with the military to create an all-electric fighter jet, or so we were told. Obviously teamed up with one of the factions that are the real leaders of America and of the world, they do not call us conspiracy theorists for nothing even though common sense is on our side, or perhaps precisely because of that, one kind of wonders what the agenda of his group is. For, population collapse crisis is not your real concern if your objective is to move millions, or maybe billions of Earth people to Mars. That means planet Earth is going to be left with a lot less people than the numbers recently proposed by BBC as a desperate warning. As far as rational thinking goes, maintaining humanity under or around 500,000,000 so we could be in perpetual balance with nature, this must be our agenda, or else.
On January 1, 2023, CBS' 60 Minutes aired a piece by Scott Pelley titled The Vanishing Wild. The main topic was the fact that, among others, overpopulation is causing the extinction of many species of wild animals. The decision by CBS to run that piece at that precise time seems to have been made based on the fact that on December 7, 2022, the United Nations held a conference on Biodiversity. At this occasion, it was stated that "Humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction," and that humankind is "committing suicide by proxy."
Once certain species become extinct or close to becoming extinct, an entire ecosystem collapses. More people means more wildlife habitat encroachment. More people means more hunters, which means less wild life per fewer square miles, and since all ecosystems ensure that planet Earth maintains its life-sustaining capabilities, the extinction of one species has a negative domino-effect on our civilization.
More people also means more pollution, and we are not talking here only gas emissions from driving more cars. We are also talking an increase in the production of more cars, which causes more pollution and requires more finite resources and energy, we are talking more garbage, and more chemicals used to force plants to produce more food so we can keep up with the increase in population. As many of you may have observed, the fruits and vegetable they sell today in stores, including the organic one, do not look or taste anything like the fruits and vegetable we used to put on the table fifty years ago. That means more pesticides too, which, especially in America are still being used in huge quantities. At the same time more people means more consumers and more cheap labor for corporations, which is why they have entire populations migrating to the more developed areas some plan to develop even more in the future, so they will generate even more profit for them. At the same time, more people living in poverty or under the threat of becoming impoverished means more people in churches, which means more money for religious institutions and their leaders.
Elon Musk states lots of "right" things these days on his private Twitter, uninspiringly renamed X after his other company (Using X in a sentence: I sent you a couple of x's last week. Did you get them?), and during more or less friendly TV interviews. At times he says rational things that make perfect sense. His population collapse warning, however, is on the opposite side of that. One could see how this we-need-more-people-on-our-planet may be intended as a way of appeasing the pro-life ultra-religious communities of America that vote in elections. What really is behind it will become more visible once we get closer to the 2024 elections.
It is doubtful the institution of Presidency and the popular vote will survive. The way things are right now, with our current appointed President and a political class catering to the military industrial complex do not really represent the people who vote in elections. They are intercessors for the group behind the individual placed in the Oval Office by those invisible entities behind our government. We need to switch to a merit-based system, with the country and the world being managed by a council of the wise elected from among the wisest by the wisest, not by people fed falsehood from all directions. The sage always has the interest of the masses at his or her heart.
PS1. - Are we going to see Musk in the White House at the end of 2024? He was born in South Africa and is not eligible for either presidency or vice-presidency. There are lots of things happening today in America though and in the world that are not by the book. On September 22, 2023, his X account posted an art image of Musk shown in a presidential posture, with the caption reading, "Would you vote for Elon Musk to be the President of United States of America?" Again, behind most everyone that ever was in the Oval Office there was a group with an agenda. So, whose agenda is going to be this time, and is it going to be good for the population of the planet? Stay tuned for new and significant planned developments.
PS2. - December 22, 2024. On November 13, Reuters was announcing that "U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday named Elon Musk to a role aimed at creating a more efficient government, handing even more influence to the world's richest man who donated millions of dollars to helping Trump get elected." For the record, Musk spent at least $277 millions of his own money to have Trump elected in November.
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