Sunday, June 5, 2022



Years ago during a particularly trying time in my life, at the suggestion of a friend I went to see a renown local seer. I had never done anything like that before, or after, but desperation can be a bold adviser. Part of what I was told was good news-bad news. It came to pass, the good news, six years later, which was the bad news. I did not know what to make of the other thing. One day, she said, you are going to write a unique book that is going to shock a lot of people. Thirteen years later I started working on the project that in the end became A Time of Change.  

        It would take sixteen years of intense researching, soul-searching, and editing to finish it. Sixteen years is an unusual long time to write one book. A decade into a project that was reaching now depths I did not anticipate, I realized it was a lot more than that. Everything I had experienced beginning with early childhood prepared me for the day I would take on this unique book project. 

“The Ultimate Tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.”
                                       - Bringers of the Dawn, Outside the Ultimate Tyranny

         The book is bound to upset and trouble some, at the same time benefiting anyone who opens up his or her self to receiving the knowledge that generates the revelations the author of the book himself has experienced. We are living the beginnings of a tremendous time of change, the status quo is going to gradually come undone, and no matter how upset some of us are going to be, it cannot be prevented. 
"Know that we do not have many of the answers you were told we have and that many of the answers provided in schools, universities, and in houses of worship are deliberate distortions of a reality kept hidden from the Earth-human for thousands of years now. Know that we have answers you have not been told we have. Seek the liberating truth."
                                                          - A Time of Change
         The beauty of shredding to pieces restrictive walls and veils of deception preventing Earth people from realizing their true nature and purpose resides in the fact that there is something luminous and empowering on the other side of this chaotic, challenging world they have been made to perceive as reality. For as we were once told, with certain entities deliberately misinterpreting that, the truth is going to set us free. The reader will experience both the undoing of the old perception of reality and the uncovering of a dimension of our world he or she never knew existed.   
        Once this became a very big book, it was divided into three volumes. There is continuity in terms of the story told, and yet each volume stands on its own. This book is going to keep your book club busy for a while.

A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it. (