Friday, November 1, 2019


"If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
                                                                         - John 8:31-32

The Bible is actually void of most of Jesus' authentic teachings. Jesus mentions "my teachings," but in its current heavily edited condition the Bible, The New Testament in this instance, reveals very little of the truth he is referring to when addressing his followers. In the verses following John 8:31-32, he explains what he meant by that, but the explanation is now extremely confusing. In fact, it looks like something inserted there by church scribes or like text edited for content to divert attention from Jesus' anti-religion message. For, as you are going to see in A Time of Change, Jesus was teaching against religion, against living one's life according to belief, and he had a very low opinion of the sacerdotal class. Not just in Judea but also in India and Persia, he introduces his audiences to liberating truth that was going to set them free from the false perception of reality created through religion, knowledge he had been initiated into during his formative years, the eighteen years of his life between the age of 12 and 30 the Bible says nothing about. According to sources to be revealed in the last volume of the book, Jesus received a significant part of his education in centers established by the people of the sky in many parts of India, Tibet, Persia, and Egypt.

When we pay attention to what the text says it is obvious his "Father" was not the all-knowing God of religion, otherwise a composite fictional character religious institutions were and are still using to confuse the people about certain aspects of their history. Similar to what we will later have in the case of Muhammad, his teachings included knowledge that was "out of this world," as in of a non-terrestrial origin. 

According to the Sanskrit text Mahabharata, there are over 400,000 civilizations in this universe alone, and every one of them exists at its level of development. Some of them are millions of years ahead of ours, and according to sources to be revealed in the book, civilization Earth is an experiment. Among others, this is why we have this divdersity of human races on the planet. The Bible does not reveal their origin, and they could not be a product of adaptation to changes in weather pattern either, as claimed by evolutionists. We also speak over 7,000 languages, the origin of which no scientist can explain, certainly not by the way of gradual evolution and natural selection. A certain text in the Bible, on the other hand, tells us something very interesting, and ungodly, about this matter, a shocking revelation for many church-goers and non-religious humans alike. 

At one point, the experiment was hijacked by unkind non-terrestrial entities that sought to take control over the resources of the planet and to use Earth people as slave labor. These were the same entities that
 gave us religion and the institution of slavery. They would later create political forms of government, with some of them pretending to be giving people fair representation in the governing of their countries when in reality they were dividing them. They also came up with the monetary system, an instrument of artificial class stratification, and together with the institution of religion these existential and economic concepts formed an inescapable mental and physical control device that to this day keeps Earth people trapped in a false perception of reality. This existential system makes rich people richer all the time while the poor stays poor most of the time and this is no accident. 

According to the dame sources to be revealed in the book, no one else in the universe uses religion. As fringe as this might sound to some, at one time Earth people were genetically downgraded by "God," as a matter of fact by group of gods, and as you are going to see we have scientific evidence of that. Among others, they were to live shorter lives, up to 120 years, and they were genetically set to operate at the frequency of belief. This is why Earth people are prone to believing things claimed on TV,  in the newspapers, by politicians and religious leaders or the so-called academia experts without applying critical thinking or fact-checking them. Taking advantage of their new condition, those entities from the sky would constantly feed them false information through their religious institutions, at the same time forbidding them access to knowledge, as stated in the Genesis by someone described there as God. The intent behind the downgrading and behind describing knowledge as the forbidden fruit was to make it very easy for them to control and manipulate Earth-humans, and that has been the case for thousands of years.

To keep them in the dark about their true origin and potential, later on, through pseudo-science labeled fact, such as a theory of evolution claiming that species turned into other species as they were adapting to changes in the environment, something evolutionists had zero evidence for, they would re-trap the ones escaping the religious belief into a new illusion, the one about life forms miraculously emerging out of nonbiological matter and somehow transitioning into every single living organism we have today on this planet, with none of that making any sense or being possible according to genuine science. 

Scientific materialism, empiricism, evolutionary theory, all these are flawed concepts associated with a new form of belief, a new religion that generates a different kind of false perception of reality. The purpose behind indoctrinating the young generation in schools and universities with this new belief is the same purpose behind the creation of the institution of classic religion: to maintain a status quo that benefits the current custodians of the planet. This is why, as you are going to see in the book, despite the appearance of these being opposing sides, church creationists and materialist scientists, evolutionists included, have similar, when not identical erroneous views on most major issues of great significance for the global community.  

So who are the "us" and the "we" gods of the Bible, Torah and the Quran? Weren't houses of worship supposed to venerate a one and only God? The claim by Christian apologists that the "we" and the "us" in the Bible, which occurs mostly in the Old Testament, is a reference to the "holy trinity" is contradicted by the very text of the Bible: "God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the gods." (Psalm 82) Neither Jews, with most text of the Old Testament belonging to the Jewish traditions, nor Muslims would adopt the concept of trinity, and yet their holy books too include references to a group of individuals that seem to be in charge of civilization Earth. 

As you are going to see in the book, the term "God" refers to a very knowledgeable human. There are many gods in the universe, individuals extremely proficient in physics, genetics, astronomy, mathematics and to knowledge pertaining to the spiritual or the metaphysical. The appellation GOD is something similar to the Ph.D. acronym on this planet, Philosophiae Doctor, attached to the name of certain members of the academia who have earned this distinction. 

This completely changes the way we perceive not just religion but also the very history of our civilization. Among others, we can understand now why the gods of Genesis 3:22, whoever those individuals might have been, were not pleased that the Earth-human 
became "like one of us, knowing good and evil," an Earth-human that to have control over they genetically downgraded him, this way minimizing his analytical skills, and forbade him to feed on the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This was why the people of the planet were later told, "the truth will set you free." Jesus' anti-religion teachings were meant to help them escape the mental trap of belief, know the liberating truth, and this way become the gods they were capable destined to be: "Jesus answered them, "It is not written in your Law, 'I have said you are Gods'" (John 10:34) 

(Edited January 2, 2024)

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