Monday, January 20, 2020


All humans are inherently entitled to follow the path they choose to follow in their life. That said, to this day, in houses of worship they continue to read from books the people are told God himself, and that could not be further from the truth. The original Gnostic churches, on the other hand, were houses of learning, not of worship. When the institution of religion was created, its purpose was to disallow access to learning opportunities to a majority of the population of the planet. From the beginning, the church of religion became a place where the people were asked to worship human-like gods in the sky the priests claimed to be their representatives on Earth. That state of affairs had and still has a malefic effect on the development of civilization Earth, and since they were  indoctrinated with irrational religious belief from an early age, until recently the people would not know there is an alternative to that fictional reality.

You may have heard Panis Angelicus performed by Andrea Bocelli or Luciano Pavaroti, and there is a very good chance you liked it. Harmonious sound is pleasing to the senses, to the entire body, and because of that we at times do not pay attention to the message of the song, something that becomes infused in our subconscious when we not pay attention and take things for granted. To give an example, many singers give Leonard Cohen's song Hallelujah a very emotional religious interpretation. The lyrics, however, are a sarcastic reference to religious belief. If you are a religious person, you may have also liked this Panis Angelicus, and yet most likely you did not know the story behind the story it tells. 

The song is the last stanza of a hymn 
called Sacris solemniis written in the 13th century by Thomas Aquinas, they hold him to be a saint yet no one knows why, dedicated to the feast of Corpus Christi, the Solemnity of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ. As if that was not creepy enough, the title of the song translates by Bread of Angels, and while its lyrics do not directly state the bread is the body of Christ, they imply it, an obvious reference to the passage in the Bible known as the last supper. There, the apostles are told the bread on the table is the body of Jesus and the wine in the cup is Jesus' blood. Again, pretty creepy if you think about it, but this is what the text says and this is what they preach in churches. As a consequence of that this is what many people indoctrinated with church dogma from a time in their life when they could not tell true from false believe. They even have a little waffle so they could experience every Sunday the chewing and the digesting of the body of Christ, and then they are given a small cup of red wine representing blood, so that in there manipulated imagination they drink Jesus' blood.

What most churchgoers are not aware of for they were never told the real story, is that the ritual that in church Christianity is known as Eucharist is based on two non-Christian traditions that have nothing in common with the life of the one known under the name of Jesus. 
At the time the non-Christian Christian church was emerging its founders were known as the Adversaries, as in the adversaries of the true Christology promoted at the original secular Christian school of thought. In line with that they were also adversaries of Jesus' anti-religion message. 

In those days, the masses were celebrating Goddess Ceres, the patron of agriculture, by making and eating bread cakes that represented the "body of the goddess." They were also celebrating God Dionysus by drinking wine that supposedly was "the blood of the god." Church Christianity came up with a better one, a fantasy story meant to bring Dionysus and Ceres worshipers under its monopolistic tent. That was to give the bishops of the church more political power while at the same time enabling them to make substantial financial gains. 

A constant craving for money and power is the defining aspect of the entire history of the church and of profiteers of religion in general all the way to today's multi-millionaire evangelists. Something else churchgoers are not aware of, the initial basis for this non-Christian church Eucharist was the another fabricated story, the one about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. As you are going to see, we find evidence across the cultural spectrum of Middle East and Far East, India and Tibet in particular, none of that happen, and even today's Bibles acknowledge in some left unedited passages that Jesus was of a relative old age when he was debating the Pharisees. The very claim that God gave his one and only son to death to save the world is based on a Jewish tradition much older than the time of Jesus. Most importantly, as you are going to see, it makes absolutely no sense.

The last supper story is a made up story, and this made up story is what the harmonious, the pleasing to our senses Panes Angelicus hymn is based on. It was meant as a way of incorporating in church dogma traditions associated with older religions at the time when the bishops were seeking to establish a monopoly on the business of religion and this way make church Christianity the one and only religion in the empire. In fact, as you are going to see in A Time of Change, there is absolutely nothing genuinely Christian in curch Christianity, or true for that matter.

(Last edit: January 2, 2024)

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A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 1 (PDF active)    

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 2 ( PDF active)    



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