Thursday, December 12, 2019


During the editing process, on occasion I would remove text that while interesting, I found it to represent a diversion from the topic at hand, this way disrupting the flow of the argument. This was the case with the story about the St. Sophia Church in Istanbul, Turkey. What follows is no longer part of the manuscript. To the original and now excised from the book discussion I added here context that clarifies certain points made in the book about the institution of religion under different circumstances.


The word philosophy comes from the Greek philo sophia, meaning love of wisdom. A rather strange fact considering that same as in the case of Orthodox Judaism, based on the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible and the Torah in the Christian religion too knowledge is associated with the otherwise made-up notion of capital sin, one of the most impressive Christian churches ever was Saint Sophia. Also known as the Great Church, or the Church of the Divine Wisdom, it was built in Constantinople, Byzantium, today's Istanbul, Turkey, between 532 and 537 CE. Numerous fires and earthquakes have repeatedly destroyed it along the time. It was rebuilt, destroyed again, rebuilt again, and eventually it changed owners. Today, that church is known as Hagia Sophia.

The history of this coveted monumental construction mirrors in many ways the history of humans on this planet once religious institutions took over their communities. From that moment on their life would be marred by thousands of years of religious wars, with many of those wars still going on today. In line with that when the Christian church came to prominence after a group known as the Adversaries seceded from the secular original Christian school of thought to create a new religious institution with the intent of establishing a monopoly on the business of religion, communities across the Middle East and Europe would be terrorized by the constant infighting between different Christian sects and by the violence perpetrated by the so-called Universal Church on competing religions and on secular schools of thought. 

The history of the demise and the reinstatement of power under new authority of the St. Sophia Church is also a reflection of the fact that from the beginning those claiming to be intercessors of God were actually using the institution of religion to facilitate the mental and physical enslavement of Earth-humans by the Custodial authorities, the entities that at one time took over by force an experiment known in some circles as Project Earth. The priests were calling themselves "intercessors of God," and they still do, when in reality this God was the chief archon, the very human leader of a group of non-terrestrial colonists. In other words, they were the Custodial authorities' henchmen.

After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, in the spirit of Muhammad’s all-inclusive Constitution of Medina, contrary to popular belief the conquering Muslims did not suppress Christianity or the Christian people. They allowed them to not just exist but thrive in the city. Eventually, more radical leaders would take over this supposedly Christian church and made it into a mosque. In 1928, an amendment to the Turkish Constitution was establishing now that Islam was no longer a state religion, and by 1937, Turkey become officially a secular state. At that time the old St. Sophia Christian church turned the Blue Mosque was transformed into a museum. 

Sophia is a character associated with the Gnostic Christian mysteries, a symbol of enlightenment highly respected by all the great minds of the ancient world. The church, however, has always labeled the Gnostics heretics, their teachings were and are still considered heresies, and yet via an association with the Essenes' teachings, plus the education Jesus had received in the Far East, Persia, and Egypt, Jesus, Paul, and Mary Magdalene too were of a Gnostic persuasion, nothing to do with church Christianity. This is how we know that the Gnostics and the Cathari, not the Christian church, were the ones preserving Jesus, Paul, and Mary's legacy. 

Within the Gnostic community Sophia was a revered symbol for divine wisdom. Equally significant, at a time when the Christian Trinity included a feminine entity, she was the second attribute of the Holy Trinity. Last but certainly not the least Sophia was the other name given to Christ by certain 4th century theologians. 

According to these theologians, Sophia and Christ were one and the same, a feminine-masculine spiritual emanation from the source some erroneously call God. This would have been very much like and most likely inspired by the ancient Chinese concept of Yin and Yang describing separate yet complementary masculine and feminine, positive and negative energies. The Gnostic point of view was this feminine-masculine Sophia-Christ entity was associated with the notion of shared knowledge and wisdom by divine beings, by people from the sky, as well as by the source itself. According to them too, Earth people were constantly receiving knowledge from the source, from IT. In his authentic letters Paul makes references to this fact and more than once (this is still part of A Time of Change and you will find it explained there in detail), with something similar being stated in the Quran. 

As a result, as a mythical character the Sophia/Christ entity was related to the bringers of light and to the members of the genuine Brotherhood of the Serpent, a group of non-terrestrial beings that contrary to the agenda adopted by the Custodial authorities that gave us the institutions of religion and slavery were here helping Earth-humans build their own advanced civilization. The Custodial authorities where trying to prevent that from happening so they could continue to use the population of the planet as slaves. This is why the Bible condones and endorses slavery from the first book of the Old Testament to the last of the forged texts, the ones attached at the end of the New Testament. 

To confuse the masses about the positive role this entity was playing in their life according to Gnostic traditions, in the Adam and Eve story of the Bible and the Torah, not  in its Quran version, which by and large is a different Adam and Eve story, one rich in enlightening esoteric knowledge, that too analyzed in the book, Sophia/Christ becomes now the character called Eve. Precisely because same as Jesus, Sophia, now Eve, was on a mission to awaken the Earth-human consciousness' from the sleep the Custodial authorities put it to, Jewish scribes and later church people would malign her. A consequence of that, for two thousand years now, even though in reality Eve was a symbol for spiritual awakening, based on the fabricated story in the Torah and the Bible, women all over the planet have been considered evil and were treated as second class citizens. 

She supposedly commits a grave sin when together with the serpent, a symbol of the Brotherhood of the Serpent, among others, and of transfer of information from the source of everything to Earth people, encourages Adam, as in humankind, to disobey Genesis God’s orders and feed on the fruits of the tree of knowledge. From now own the masses were to perceive Eve/Sophia, women in general and a serpent representing the ones generously sharing a special knowledge with Earth-humans as wrongdoers that dared to defy a God that wanted man to remain poor in spirit. This God of love, as described in churches, supposedly punishes humans with a debilitating eternal curse, which was a story created by priests seeking to make people obey them considering they claimed to be the intercessors of that vengeful God. In essence, in order to make Earth-humans stay away from knowledge so they could be easily manipulated and controlled, according to both the Torah and the Bible this God conveniently punishes not just Adam and Eve but the entire humankind. 

Based on what was revealed through the mysteries, which contained coded information only the initiated had accessed to, mysteries often referenced by a Jesus and by a Paul who in reality were teaching against religion, every time it incarnates a new human body the soul’s mission is to ascend to a higher level of enlightenment so it could become reunited with its source. The soul reaches that state by seeking the company of “Sophia,” of wisdom. Helped by benevolent non-terrestrial non-supernatural entities to fulfill its mission, wisdom is something the Earth-human’s spirit must find though on its own, by processing gnosis, knowledge it also uncovers while experiencing the earth plane. 

Once the so-called Universal Church took over the reins of power in a now disintegrating Roman Empire, the bishops would denigrate in the eyes of the masses the authentic non-religious Christian movement and almost completely silenced the voice of the Gnostic Christians by burning their books and their savants. Suddenly, Sophia, who same as Christ was a symbol for spiritual enlightenment was to be viewed now as something evil the Christian God had cursed, the Eve that tricked poor Adam into committing the greatest sin ever, the sin of seeking knowledge. As attested in no other than the Bible, though, seeking the liberating knowledge happens to be precisely what Jesus is urging his followers to do, with that being only one of the many instances when Jesus and the institution of religion are in opposition. 

The effect that absurd rule imposed in houses of worship had on the people's psyche was that their natural inclination toward seeking the hidden truth and conquering the vast unknown was diminished, when not completely disrupted.That deliberately induced mentality was what threw humankind into a prolonged Dark Age. Many among the planet's population would not even be aware of that, with the Dark Age being something they only now begin to truly extract themselves mentally from, but they have been living according to a false perception of reality for most of their entire life.

(Edited August 31, 2023)

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Links to Volume 1, Part 1 and Part 2, and Volume 2 below. Volume 3 should be ready for release the end of November 2024. Due to their size, Volume 1 and 3 are divided in two parts. Google Documents is unable to open a larger file. After you open it, click on the + sign to choose the font size that suits you. In this format you do not have access to the live links in the manuscript. For a Read Only Word document where access to the links is allowed, sent a request to atimeofchangePG@gmail.comAt this time there is no organized promoting of the book. The best way of sharing it with friends and family is by providing the website address:

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A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 1 (PDF active)    

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 2 ( PDF active)    



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