Monday, October 15, 2018


The quotes below are from a document of great significance for our civilization analyzed in detail in A Time of Change.

Earth people have more than once resurfaced from the bottom of the dark pit of self-destruction to stand up and walk on their own two feet become what they are today. They did that with a little help from very knowledgeable members of the cosmic brotherhood of humans, individuals inhabiting this and many other universes.

The world is not a miracle produced by a magician creator-god. In its current state the material world is not perfect, nor was it meant to be so. A rational logical consequence of that, an all-knowing omnipotent God could not be its creator. There is no such thing as chance gradual biological evolution or natural selection either. Those otherwise never seen, never proven, never replicated genetic mutations evolutionist with credential  always talk are even more of  of the imaginary than the story about a God creating the world in six days is. That said, the answer to the question of the origin and the purpose of life is going to be provided by science. It will not happen though until scientists realize what religion was meant to hide away from the people in that regard while at the same time making the non-physical phenomenon part of the equation. The non-physical, the metaphysical is what according to esoteric knowledge always associated with genuine science is known as the spiritual.

Everything in the universe is energy and information. Because of that the science most apt of solving the ancient mystery of its origin and of the origin of everything in it, life forms included, is quantum physics, not biology, and you do not have to be a field theorist to understand that.
“…all energy can be changed to solid matter. (…) Both terms, energy and matter, represent basically one and the same, but precisely in their separate forms: fine-material and coarse-material.”
An erroneous perception of reality that antagonizes natural law created through indoctrination with irrational religious belief and lately with reductionist scientific materialism, some call it empiricism, is bound to generate irrational behavior and a disharmonious reality. As history books show it, along the time religion has constantly caused social and economic distress, the premature death of millions of humans, the collapse of civilizations, and the destruction of large areas of the planet. Religious institutions, specifically the Catholic Church, are also behind what we know as capitalism, the root of many of the problems Earth people have been and are confronted with. 

We can only reap what we sow. The law of cause and effect is the major rule that governs the material. Who or what has established this rule, or the natural order behind how the universe and everything in it operates is a question no one has addressed yet, in a rational logical manner that is. 
“Religion is only the primitive work of human beings, in purpose to lead them, to suppress them, and for exploitation, to which only spiritually deficient life can fall. Bring this truth to the light of the world and make it known. This is a further part of our mission. If this does not happen, then mankind will slowly destroy itself and fall into complete spiritual darkness.”
To put an end to this prolonged era of war, division, oppression, of human rights violations, of curtailing of human creativity and systematic destroying of the planet we will have to acknowledge globally the known truth about the nature of reality that was hidden by the custodians from the people of Earth for thousands of years. Among others, what we perceive as a material world is a manifestation of information carrying energies of the spiritual. The more aware Earth-humans become of that, the more aware they are of their spiritual essence, the more advanced our civilization will be technology and less dependent of polluting, less efficient sources of energy. Then there will be no need for us to go to war for those conventional sources of energy.  

As some field theorists have concluded, the material is in large part a projection of thought energies, a hologram produced by consciousness interfering with waves, with fields carrying information consciousness collapses into material forms. Once humans become aware we are the spirit within the body, a spirit that makes thoughts manifest as the reality we experience, with all of us spirit energies being connected at the subconscious level, they realize we are responsible for everything good or bad that happens on the planet, as well as for things that should happen not happening. The world looks the way we understand what we are and how we relate to it.
“The human being is the carrier of his spirit, which never dies and which also in his deepest sleep does not itself sleep; which records all thoughts and movements; which tells the human being whether his very thoughts are right or wrong. (…) The spirit holds the outlook for perfection, for harmony, peace, recognition, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, truth, beauty and love in all things.”
As people were beginning to escape the trap of religious irrational, they were tricked into embracing a reductionist materialist explanation of the reality of being human. Life begins at birth and ends with death, they were told by empiricist evolutionists. Research conducted in the last decades by scientists associated with prestigious academic institutions has produced though conclusive evidence of the existence of a soul energy that is eternal. Our current life is only one of our attempts to achieving self-realization, the awareness of being the eternal spirit that incarnates the body at birth and not a moment before or after that. The same scientists have concluded that reincarnation, the repeat downloading of the same soul to many bodies, male or female bodies over the span of thousands, millions, and even billions of years is an indisputable fact.

The Earth people were left under the impression that evolution and creation in the Bible are their only options when it comes to explaining the origin of life and everything else. That could not be further from the truth and the purpose of this ruse is to distract attention from the fact that life on Earth is in large part the result of an artificial process supervised by an advanced civilization of a non-terrestrial origin. 
“…you are right with your meaning, the human being not being a descendent of a monkey. He became created by our ancestors, who mixed themselves with the Earth-human creatures, who at that time were called “evas.” (…)”
The malefic influence religion exerts on our civilization does not consist only in the false claims its promoters and profiteers make in front of trusting people but, most importantly, in the fact that those false claims are meant to hide significant liberating truth from them. At the same time one should not blindly adopt as fact everything he or she is told by someone who supposedly debunks creationism. That person too may have an agenda, or represent a group with an agenda, or he or she is not aware of the actual truth. One should always keep though an open mind about something that makes sense. Other than that, there is an abundance of definitive evidence nothing of what we have been told in science or history class in the last one hundred and sixty years about our origin is even close to being true. 

Outside this cacophony of unsound ideas and counterfeit spirituality produced by groups operating from within the hidden structures of power, a new human is about to be born. This one will be operating on a sound, fact-based rational perception of reality. With the advent of the New Earth, this Earth-human who is no longer a believer but a truth seeker will form the basis for a better humanity. For, as we were told by the same friends in high places,

“The only thing limiting the progress of the Earth-human is the Earth-human himself.”
(Edited January 2, 2024)

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A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public free of charge. You can only share it with others free of charge. 
Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of the entire set of documents or any part of it. 


Tuesday, May 15, 2018


People who know Darwinian evolution is biologically and genetically impossible call it myth. Considering that we have an organized promoting of evolution as fact by individuals that should now it is not, it is actually a hoax. Teaching or rather preaching evolution as fact is a deliberate act of deception, and as you are going to see in the book, we have the evidence to prove it.

Embolden by the scientific advancements made during the Age of Enlightenment, a small group of intellectuals led by Thomas Huxley were looking for an alternative to religious irrational. Though neither one of them believed gradual evolution was fact, they decided to use Darwin and a theory he had actually borrowed from French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck as a surrogate explanation until someone else would have found the actual scientific explanation for the origin of life. It was either that or that, as a Freemason, Huxley was aware humankind was not ready yet to process the real story of its origins.

From the beginning, the few supporters of an otherwise very confused, science-challenged Charles Darwin were well aware there was no evidence in the observable nature or the known natural law for gradualism. Once other scientists apparently figured out what was behind the existence of civilization Earth, at the demand of entities in control of the world from behind our governments they were to keep that a very tight secret. 

The only way they could prevent that reality from being acknowledged publicly was by pretending in a coordinated fashion that Darwinian evolution was absolute truth, that man had evolved from apes was indisputable fact, and that they had mountains of evidence proving that. As in any other similar circumstance, making claims is a lot easier than proving them true. At the same time, a population downgraded thousands of years earlier to the frequency of belief was predisposed of accepting everything it was told with confidence by individuals in a position of authority. 

The other thing they had to take care of was silencing anyone saying otherwise and pointing at the mountains of evidence proving not only that evolution is not a real fact, but that biological and genetic gradualism, you cannot have one without the other, are impossible in nature. In parallel with that, the scientific community, the media, the education system and our governments have been deliberately perpetuating the same false narrative when it comes to evolution for more than one hundred years now. Making things worse for our civilization, the same governments protect and this way perpetuate the other false narrative, the one promoted, also as fact, in houses of worship about a creator God being behind everything we see on our planet and in the universe, with them too having zero evidence for that. 

One hundred and sixty years later, gradualism is the same fallacy it was when Huxley and friends coached Darwin into publishing a manuscript that otherwise had been gathering dust on his desk for 23 years. Despite today's evolutionists promoting evolution as fact, it is difficult to believe they are unaware of the many major problems with this theory. 

As a matter of principle, if their agenda is to put an end to the malefic influence religious belief and the institution of religion has had on our civilization for thousands of years, that would be a worthy cause. As the reader will find out, though, there is a more insidious purpose to the evolution hoax. Meanwhile, replacing a big lie with another big lie, the one falsely labeled the word of god being countered now with the false claim that species have evolved or could have evolved labeled science is far from being beneficial to our civilization. In fact, it is completely detrimental. Among others, it prevents Earth people from making significant advancement with their understanding of reality.

A new trend these days, much to a honest unattached observer's surprise even though deists creationists with a degree in science, not the same with church creationists, have made it more than clear with the help of indisputable scientific evidence the theory of evolution is pure and unadulterated nonsense, in recent years the Catholic Church, other Christian churches, some Judaic and Islamic leaders too have officially endorsed evolution and they practically hold hands now with the evolutionists. This is not the first time when religious institutions would forge an alliance of convenience with certain circles within the leadership of the scientific community by endorsing the official theory of the day. It is always done though not because they find the theory to be sound from a scientific point of view but because the truth about certain aspects related to the origin of the world would cause them to lose completely whatever was left of their credibility with the more trusting among the masses. Here is where the academia and our governments come to the rescue of the institution of religion by holding hands with them, the pay off being that some of the people are convinced the fallacy is a valid theory.

The church pretended it found the steady state theory promoted by scientists in the first half of the 20th century as indisputable fact to be no danger to its doctrine of creation, so it subscribed to it. Then the scientific community figured out nothing was steady in the universe, it abandoned the steady state theory, embraced instead the Big Bang theory as indisputable fact, and, sure enough, so did the church. During the November 22, 1951 Pontifical Academy of Sciences meeting, pope Pius XII announced that the Big Bang theory did not conflict with the Catholic Church's view on creation, whatever that view might have been. 

We have decades of in sync public declarations made by religious institutions and the scientific community regarding the origin of our planetary world and of the universe. As a result, that some churches, the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church among them, have suddenly endorsed evolution comes as no surprise. It is all part of the same game of politics, reason why it has no epistemological value and it means nothing for a rationalist. This is solely about preserving the status quo.

You do not have to be a biologist, a geneticist or a quantum physicist to realize gradual evolution is biologically and genetically impossible or that everything we perceive as material reality is not material or of the material. At the same time, that creationists with a degree in science have a valid scientific argument against evolution does not mean an all-knowing God allegedly having supernatural powers has created the world and everything in it, humans too, on a whim, in six days. The evidence debunking evolution is out there for all to see and analyze. Same as everybody else creationists have access to it, they use it to make a solid scientific case against evolution, and then they use that as support for their unsupported by evidence conclusion that the world was the creation of some kind of God with supper-natural powers.  

They claim 97% of all scientists believe evolution is fact, and yet I am yet to meet a biology professor who would endorse evolution during a private conversation. What they declare in public is a different thing, with that being them conforming with the code of silence imposed by the academia leadership. It is rationalized through appellations to self-preservation, one's job and acceptance within the academia circles depending on that, and to the notion that one is not give comfort to creationists by telling it the way it is. One has to say whatever leadership wants him or her to say, or otherwise no teaching jobs, no books or papers published, and no book awards for you. 

Stephen Jay Gould, a leading American evolutionist that at times would make the definitive case against gradual evolution, only to declare within the same article his unrestricted devotion to the theory of evolution has often complained about this code of silence imposed on scientists, and put that in writing. You are still not allowed to mention within the walls of an academic institution or on TV evidence debunking gradual evolution, or expose someone for making false claims on the side of evolution without risking being ostracized by the scientific community, with no one coming to your defense even when everyone knows you are telling truth. Everyone who dares exposing the evolution hoax is treated to personal attacks and a falsification of his or her position, something the author of A Time of Change has had a taste of it even before the book was completed. 

A consequence of this absurd situation, between the dogma of religion and the dogma of evolution and materialism in general we exist according to a false perception of reality, something generating the aggravated state of crisis we are experiencing today. Scientists lose credibility when they hide facts or misinterpret evidence the public is aware of, and that explains why according to recent Gallup polls, scientists and science journalists are getting extremely low grades from America and from the world.

(Edited August 31, 2023) 

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A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public free of charge. You can only share it with others free of charge. 
Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of the entire set of documents or any part of it. 


Wednesday, October 4, 2017


I did not invent the system and I don't approve of it either. That said, one way or the other you have to make money, otherwise a piece of paper with no actual value, or else no food, no shelter, and no retirement plan for you. Does it have to be this way? It does not, but the creators of the system want you to believe this is the best way to build an advanced civilization, if they ever had that in mind. Would you be surprised if you were told though that advanced civilizations in this and other universes do not use money, do not have religion, and are not governed through political systems? As you are going to see in the book, this is precisely the case.

Next to religion and political forms of government, money is the most wicked invention ever in the history of Earth people. It was meant to trap everyone into dependence of the material and of the ones running the show behind the elected officials, the ones who at this time are still owning more than 80% of the planet in terms of natural, human resources, and capital. I
f it was not for the money we could easily get rid of religion and political forms of government. If it was not for the money we could switch overnight to clean, free energy without having to tell people who under the current system are going to lose paying jobs scary stories about an otherwise imaginary global warming. Money is what allows those running political and belief systems, the ones built on pseudo-science included, to keep a tight grip on humankind. 

Money enslaves Earth-humans to the system from the moment they are born. One's access to large portions of the capital is basically forbidden, with the world today being controlled, according to reliable sources, by about 100 individuals, or 13 families. They control the capital, the flow of money, the wars, and under the current system everything economy-related that takes place on the planet makes them even richer than they were a minute ago. Wealth accumulation generates political power. Political power and massive wealth accumulation translates in special privileges. Special privileges and massive wealth accumulation generates more political power, with all of that giving one control over what goes on basically all over the planet. A defining characteristic of the main profiteers of the system, for them greed is good. Greed, however, leads to economic inequality, social injustice, to war and destruction, something only the poor and the middle class is affected by. This is pretty much the history of our civilization for as long as the record could testify.

Greed is the fuel of a capitalist system that will drive civilization Earth into the ground, and as long as money is the focus of our existence there is no way to avoid this outcome. Greed makes you blind of your true mission in life, insensitive to other people's ply, it disconnects you from your necessary dedication to experiencing cognitive growth, and it prevents the ones who work for the richest among the rich from developing a higher state of consciousness awareness, which works just fine for those who seek to control the population of the planet. Last but not the least greed puts your personal desires and ambitions above the needs of the community, above the greater good.  

The trap is closed tight and almost inescapable. To break the chains one must first experience awareness of the trap. That is what A Time of Change is going to do for most of its readers. This is why at the time when the project was taking a direction I did not foresee when work on it started, I did not think now publishers controlled by the same individuals who control the media, that in turn own every publishing house and every significant imprint out there, with six major corporation owning almost 95% of the media, the same individuals who control the political and basically the economy of the world were going to allow the public to have access to something challenging the status quo they were benefiting from. That said, change is coming, no one can avoid it, and 2024 might be the year when the old structures of power start crumbling to the ground.  

The way those many controversial topics are discussed in the book is bound to upset 90% of all experts, and you could not count on them to peer review it either. Then you have many of the ordinary readers indoctrinated with the prevailing dogma, be it of a religious or pseudo-scientific nature, who may not want to admit they had been lied to for their entire life. That looks like an impenetrable wall set between real reality and the Earth people, but to change for the better the way we exist on this planet we will have to speak openly the liberating truth. 

The system is set to protect the status quo, with the status quo being the current existential system. When one challenges the status quo on solid grounds, the system does not allow him or her to come even close to the money tree or to the attention of the public. In a world where to have food, shelter and gas you have to have money, when fact and a rational interpretation of it leaves one with no morally acceptable choice, lack of compliance tends to make one's life if not miserable at least difficult. You either play by the script written by those major beneficiaries of the system, or you sleep under a bridge. 

The system is meant to break you psychologically when you do not comply. "The dude abides," as a famous line in a famous movie goes, is about choosing submissiveness out of primeval convenience over rebelling, and while one would have no reason not to abide when the rules are rational, after all the opposite of lack of rational existential rules is chaos, it is impossible for a rational human to comply with rules that divide and keep humankind enslaved to an oppressive unnatural system while trapped into a dark world. I was never good at abiding, and while that has complicated my life, I am a human of principle and I found no reason to change in that respect. 

Considering the current chaotic political and social circumstances where false is true, true is false, and truth is misinformation, the book is bound to raise a few academic and deep state eyebrows. On the other hand, there is also the possibility that certain groups within that deep state happen to be attuned to the changes that are to come and in that respect ready to facilitate them in the most rational way possible. As a matter of fact, today's world does not look anything like the world of 2006, the year when work on the project started. There is a good chance that by the time the manuscript will be ready for release, the bubble would have burst, and then A Time of Change would fit right into that transitional state toward a more rational world.  

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A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public free of charge. You can only share it with others free of charge. 
Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of the entire set of documents or any part of it. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Much of what I have experienced in life from a relative early age was associated with a keen interest in knowing and understanding the makings of the universe and our place within it. The things I would uncover along the way, my report with the world while observing its natural and social traits have cumulated along the time into the cognitive and the motivational basis for this project. 

Part of why I took on such a controversial project was the realization that the world we lived in was marred by irrational, absurd, deceit, by obsession with material gains and acts of violence against fellow humans and Mother Nature, that made existence a living nightmare. I knew it did not have to be that way, so from what it seems like forever I was on a journey to find out the answer to the daunting question of not just its origin was but also of why was the world we are living in the way it is.  

There were, as I would later realize, many karmic intricacies associated with taking this course of action. Among others, its completion required the abandonment of my original professional ambitions, something that would happen more than once before work on the project started. Then there were the personal life pursuits. As it turned out, most of what I would accomplish in that regard was a way of putting myself, without realizing it at the time, within circumstances that would allow me later to dedicate most of my time to the project. In other words, I never had much of a personal life, especially once my college years were over.  

Something deriving from the fundamental spiritual aspect of being human, the notion of karma implies the continuity of the pursuit of our soul's goal over the course of many lives. There is also the fact that some of the souls come here on a mission that has little to do with personal karma. Looking back at my entire life beginning with early childhood, at one point I developed a clear sense of what my mission in this life cycle was. At that moment that everything I had experienced, I was experiencing or I was going to experience was meant to facility the fulfillment of this mission.  

The main objective of the project, something that would only clearly emerge a couple of years after work on it started, is to raise awareness of the fact that the most significant parts of what Earth people are told in schools, in the media, and in houses of worship is meant to manipulate their perception of reality into developing an erroneous understanding of their origin, potential, and purpose. 

Considering that A Time of Change is about a different take on the most controversial topics of conversation on the planet, one that will have deep social implications, 
the reader would be rightfully inclined to ask about my credentials, about how many other books I wrote and how many peer reviewed papers I published. As you are going to see, though, the book tackles the lack of credibility of the academia when it comes to such topics as religion, evolution, the ancient and even more recent history of our civilization, consciousness, philosophy, spirituality, biology, genetics, geology, astronomy, astrology, extraterrestrial life, the nature and the origin of life and the universe, and these are only a few of them. As revealed in the book with the help of an abundance of evidence, not every book or paper peer reviewed is factual or rational, and not everything stated by a scientist is genuine science. In fact, manipulating the public's perception of reality is what on-call experts have been doing for decades, something to be exposed in detail in the book. As a result, academic credentials would have made me a mental prisoner of those erroneous claims. To be able to expose them for what they are, one has to be free of the bias and the prejudice that would have resulted from being indoctrinated with the prevailing theory or dogma. In fact, in the age of the Internet, one willing individual who knows what to look for can access more information pertaining to any area of human interest than any tuition paying student has been exposed to in school while getting his or her degree in one particular field of knowledge. Real expertise, however, is not just about how much one knows, but about how one understands what we all know. This is where the book is parting ways with the designated expert.

There are truly knowledgeable, intelligent, honest men and women of science out there in all sorts of fields of human interest, and then there are the on-call TV experts whose mission is to shape and control the narrative in accordance to their handlers agenda. Their mission is to make the way public understands certain things a certain way and this way how the public acts and reacts to them. Last but not the least a degree in a certain domain is not a guarantee that the person who has earned it takes guidance from reason. Science is always right. Scientists, not so much.

Without a doubt, this is a time of change and the truth will set free everyone who has eyes and ears. By the very nature of being humans we are born truth seekers and we are all scientists. To the ordinary human’s great advantage, today, the knowledge, the data, the information is right there at his or her fingertips, a few key strokes away from his or her analytical mind. In that regard A Time of Change is going to be of significant help with the humankind's great awakening, something taking place right now.

(Edited January 2, 2024)

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A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public free of charge. You can only share it with others free of charge. 
Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of the entire set of documents or any part of it.