Thursday, December 10, 2020


Of a religious, political, or of any other nature for that matter, humans taking sides in a debate that turned into a dispute accept by default as true every single claim made by the members of their adopted community. Also by default, they cry "False!" about everything stated by an opposition they were made to see as the enemy. The mentality behind that kind of attitude is, we are always right and the others are always wrong. To the unattached observer, since they are not seen through an ideological filter, things are the way they look. 

In line with this at times annoying reality, not everything stated by a human universally accepted as being an evil person is false, and not everything ever written or claimed by someone whose knowledge and judgement society has come to admire is true. Let us take, for example, the case of British philosopher Bertrand Russell and his opinion on immortality and soul.

The focus here is going to be on his What Is the Soul? A piece he apparently originally wrote in 1928, there is an 1947 and a 1957 version of it and while he made several stylistic and terminology related adjustments, one thing these three versions have in common is him being wrong about mind/soul and physical body being one and the same thing.   

In the 1928 version, right from the beginning Russell admits that "When I was young we all knew, or thought we knew, that a man consists of a soul and a body." Not all people knew that but this is what he thought was the case. What happened next, apparently unbeknownst to him, an extremely reductionist materialist segment of the scientific community hijacked the conversation, something done under the guise of addressing the false claims made in religion about the immortality of the body, not of the soul though. Indeed, only a few would notice, Bertrand included, when in the middle of a heated debate, that the immortality of the body is something completely different from the immortality of the soul.

'The rising of the dead' still preached in many churches implies that currently dead human bodies will one day rise in spirit and body from their grave, the other rather vague implication being that the soul and the body are one. In essence, the position taken by reductionist materialist scientists and church theologians is similar, and much to many rationalists' disbelief they are more than once on the same page. The only difference consists in the kinds of stories they tell about what both erroneously describe as fact. 

The way empiricists have found it fit to address this rising of the dead nonsense in the Bible was by assuming that either such a thing as soul does not exist, or that since the soul and the body are one, when the body decomposes after our passing, so does the soul. The soul, however, is energy, and as the First Law of Thermodynamics says, energy can neither be created, nor destroyed. It can only be altered in form, transformed in a different kind of energy. In other words, soul energy is immortal, and since we are the soul within the body, we too are immortal. The immortality of the soul, on one hand, and the impossible immortality of the body, on the other hand, preached by some religious institutions but not by a Paul who, as you are going to see in the book, in one of his letters rightfully declares that the perishable could not ascend as imperishable, are different notions materialist scientists participating in the effort to protect the status quo by, among others, keeping Earth-humans unaware of their spiritual nature decided to treat as one and the same thing. 

Without a doubt, not only that materialist evolutionists and theologians are wrong about the soul, the fact that they both directly or indirectly deny the reality of a soul residing within the body but being apart from the body, as well as the immortality of the soul is no accident. One major way of controlling the people of the planet, this was a coordinated misrepresentation of the true nature of being human, part of a scheme meant to hide from the Earth-humans their true potential. This false perception of reality determines the way they live, the way they understand their relation to the out there, the consequence of that being the state of almost constant state of crisis humankind has been experiencing for thousands of years. 

With the advent of quantum physics, many scientists would conclude now material reality is not really material, or real, and that what we perceive as material is a holographic multi-dimensional projection, a mind over "matter" phenomenon. In plain words, the observed at the sensory level material reality, something that is nothing but energy, is basically an illusion. As a result, philosophers relying heavily on good science were of the opinion now that, in a sense, the body too was a product of the mind, and that meant the mind was something apart from the body. However, as Russell admits in 1928 without drawing the rational logical conclusion, "The philosopher (...) was not taken seriously, and science remained comfortably materialistic." Same as others at the time and even later, he would not realize that not everyone within the scientific community was "materialistic," with some theoretical physicists, by 1925 we would enter the modern quantum theory era, making actually a very strong case for intelligent design, on one hand, and for the origin of what we perceive as material being in a non-physical phenomenon, on the other, a non-physical phenomenon subdued by some of the members of highly advanced cosmic civilizations that have in contact with us for thousands of years. Some quantum physicists would make a scientific argument for the existence of the soul and for consciousness, the essential aspect of all life forms and the true creator of what we only perceive as a material world. 

Russell navigates at times aimlessly an extremely choppy sea of conflicting ideas, and not once does he mention consciousness. He works, in this instance, with what some had to say on the question of the existence of the soul: "physicists assure us that there is not such thing as matter, and psychologists assure us that there is no such thing as mind." And while under other circumstances (What I Believe, 1925) he would make the case that mental activity is all about chemicals and electrical impulses, he admits now that "there are, however, various difficulties in the way of reducing mental activity to physical activity." As you are going to see in A Time of Change, there is an explanation for how mental activity translates into physical activity, which happens to be a very interesting process the awareness of which is going to give one access to powers many out there did not know we posses, no thanks to our education system, the academia, or the institution of religion. Then within the same paragraph, he makes a stunning claim concerning our physical aspect: "What we can say, on the basis of physics itself, is that what we have hitherto called our body is really an elaborate scientific construction not corresponding to any physical reality." 

As shocking a claim as that may be, it is demonstrably true. It is hard to tell if he meant it this way or not, but this is the true meaning of the reality of intelligent design, reason why both creationists and evolutionists do not want design discussed in schools, colleges, and universities, with Russell being no fan of religion. He describes the human body as a work of science and not as a product of biblical or evolutionary miracles, at the same time realizing the process behind this science is associated with some non-physical reality. Once again, he was correct about that. However, Russell somehow concludes that "modern science gives no indication whatsoever of the existence of the soul or mind as an entity." Regarding this matter he was wrong. In his defense, at the time humankind was still in the middle of a dense dark age, one we are only now about to leave forever behind. 

It is obvious that same as other materialists, Russell was looking for empirical evidence, for something he could detect with the help of measuring devices that would have proved the existence of the soul. If they could only weigh the soul. Someone did try that, they found out the soul was weighing 21 grams, and then they found out that they were dead wrong about that. The soul and the spiritual in general is energy vibrating at much higher frequencies when compared to the frequencies of the material, frequencies that are inaccessible to our sensory and because of that to our current measuring devices. Energy does not have mass. As a result, a rational logical interpretation of what is observable, there is other kind of evidence attesting to the existence of an independent from the body soul. 

After analyzing almost 4,000 cases over four decades, that kind of rational interpretation of indisputable evidence led scientists with the University of Virginia to conclude reincarnation is real, the significance of their finding being the soul is something real. Then we have the new science of transpersonal psychology establishing that consciousness is, indeed, high frequency energy apart from the body. 

Had Russell lived for another decade or so, he would have become familiar with how computers work. Computers function based on the same principle everything else in the universe operates on, a principle that was out there from the moment the universe was born. Something acknowledged by many along the time, the human body is a perfect mirror of the universe. As a result, similar to the software making the hard drive into an operational computer, when at birth and not a moment earlier the soul is downloaded to our physical aspect, it turns the new human body into a human being. This is why what we really are is the immortal, the eternal soul energy within the body and not the ephemeral body.

Because he believes that what some call soul or mind is one with the body, and Einstein appeared to have a similar opinion, though as you are going to see, he was misunderstood, Russell is firmly convinced that "There can not be reason for supposing that either a piece of mind or a piece of matter is immortal." His reasoning is based on a number of false assumptions, such as the notion that "the most essential characteristic of mind is memory." The fact is, as most everyone knows today, mind and matter are two different kinds of energies, and what is most significant about that is that they are operating at different frequencies. He then argues that since basically everything related to memory is associated with the brain, another thing that, as you are going to see in A Time of Change is not true, since "this structure decays at death, there is every reason to suppose that memory also must cease." Again, the soul is energy, and the First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is emanated from a source, and in the case of the soul, its energy was emanated from the Source all energy of everything there is in this and other universes has emanated from, a Source, a super-consciousness some call Prime Creator while others erroneously call God.

Like most materialists, Russell embraces the position that life is limited to whatever happens between birth and death, and that everything beyond that is completely inconsequential: "we shall have to admit that what is going to happen many millions of years hence has no very great emotional interest for us here and now." It actually does. Past present and future are part of the same space-time continuum, and even though we all live in the present, we are always persuaded in our choices of here and now by what us and humankind has experienced in the past and by what we envision regarding how our personal and the future of civilization Earth should look like.  

Not only that but everything we have experienced in the past and everything we experience in the present is in line with what we as spiritual entities must accomplish in the end within this lower world of the Natural Order of Creation. 

(Edited January 2, 2024)

* * *

Links to Volume 1, Part 1 and Part 2, and Volume 2 below. Volume 3 should be ready for release the end of November 2024. Due to their size, Volume 1 and 3 are divided in two parts. Google Documents is unable to open a larger file. After you open it, click on the + sign to choose the font size that suits you. In this format you do not have access to the live links in the manuscript. For a Read Only Word document where access to the links is allowed, sent a request to atimeofchangePG@gmail.comAt this time there is no organized promoting of the book. The best way of sharing it with friends and family is by providing the website address:

(At this time the manuscript has not been proofed by a second party.)

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 1 (PDF active)    

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 2 ( PDF active)    



A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it. 

Monday, January 20, 2020


All humans are inherently entitled to follow the path they choose to follow in their life. That said, to this day, in houses of worship they continue to read from books the people are told God himself, and that could not be further from the truth. The original Gnostic churches, on the other hand, were houses of learning, not of worship. When the institution of religion was created, its purpose was to disallow access to learning opportunities to a majority of the population of the planet. From the beginning, the church of religion became a place where the people were asked to worship human-like gods in the sky the priests claimed to be their representatives on Earth. That state of affairs had and still has a malefic effect on the development of civilization Earth, and since they were  indoctrinated with irrational religious belief from an early age, until recently the people would not know there is an alternative to that fictional reality.

You may have heard Panis Angelicus performed by Andrea Bocelli or Luciano Pavaroti, and there is a very good chance you liked it. Harmonious sound is pleasing to the senses, to the entire body, and because of that we at times do not pay attention to the message of the song, something that becomes infused in our subconscious when we not pay attention and take things for granted. To give an example, many singers give Leonard Cohen's song Hallelujah a very emotional religious interpretation. The lyrics, however, are a sarcastic reference to religious belief. If you are a religious person, you may have also liked this Panis Angelicus, and yet most likely you did not know the story behind the story it tells. 

The song is the last stanza of a hymn 
called Sacris solemniis written in the 13th century by Thomas Aquinas, they hold him to be a saint yet no one knows why, dedicated to the feast of Corpus Christi, the Solemnity of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ. As if that was not creepy enough, the title of the song translates by Bread of Angels, and while its lyrics do not directly state the bread is the body of Christ, they imply it, an obvious reference to the passage in the Bible known as the last supper. There, the apostles are told the bread on the table is the body of Jesus and the wine in the cup is Jesus' blood. Again, pretty creepy if you think about it, but this is what the text says and this is what they preach in churches. As a consequence of that this is what many people indoctrinated with church dogma from a time in their life when they could not tell true from false believe. They even have a little waffle so they could experience every Sunday the chewing and the digesting of the body of Christ, and then they are given a small cup of red wine representing blood, so that in there manipulated imagination they drink Jesus' blood.

What most churchgoers are not aware of for they were never told the real story, is that the ritual that in church Christianity is known as Eucharist is based on two non-Christian traditions that have nothing in common with the life of the one known under the name of Jesus. 
At the time the non-Christian Christian church was emerging its founders were known as the Adversaries, as in the adversaries of the true Christology promoted at the original secular Christian school of thought. In line with that they were also adversaries of Jesus' anti-religion message. 

In those days, the masses were celebrating Goddess Ceres, the patron of agriculture, by making and eating bread cakes that represented the "body of the goddess." They were also celebrating God Dionysus by drinking wine that supposedly was "the blood of the god." Church Christianity came up with a better one, a fantasy story meant to bring Dionysus and Ceres worshipers under its monopolistic tent. That was to give the bishops of the church more political power while at the same time enabling them to make substantial financial gains. 

A constant craving for money and power is the defining aspect of the entire history of the church and of profiteers of religion in general all the way to today's multi-millionaire evangelists. Something else churchgoers are not aware of, the initial basis for this non-Christian church Eucharist was the another fabricated story, the one about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. As you are going to see, we find evidence across the cultural spectrum of Middle East and Far East, India and Tibet in particular, none of that happen, and even today's Bibles acknowledge in some left unedited passages that Jesus was of a relative old age when he was debating the Pharisees. The very claim that God gave his one and only son to death to save the world is based on a Jewish tradition much older than the time of Jesus. Most importantly, as you are going to see, it makes absolutely no sense.

The last supper story is a made up story, and this made up story is what the harmonious, the pleasing to our senses Panes Angelicus hymn is based on. It was meant as a way of incorporating in church dogma traditions associated with older religions at the time when the bishops were seeking to establish a monopoly on the business of religion and this way make church Christianity the one and only religion in the empire. In fact, as you are going to see in A Time of Change, there is absolutely nothing genuinely Christian in curch Christianity, or true for that matter.

(Last edit: January 2, 2024)

* * *

Links to Volume 1, Part 1 and Part 2, and Volume 2 below. Volume 3 should be ready for release the end of November 2024. Due to their size, Volume 1 and 3 are divided in two parts. Google Documents is unable to open a larger file. After you open it, click on the + sign to choose the font size that suits you. In this format you do not have access to the live links in the manuscript. For a Read Only Word document where access to the links is allowed, sent a request to atimeofchangePG@gmail.comAt this time there is no organized promoting of the book. The best way of sharing it with friends and family is by providing the website address:

(At this time the manuscript has not been proofed by a second party.)

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 1 (PDF active)    

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 2 ( PDF active)    



A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019


During the editing process, on occasion I would remove text that while interesting, I found it to represent a diversion from the topic at hand, this way disrupting the flow of the argument. This was the case with the story about the St. Sophia Church in Istanbul, Turkey. What follows is no longer part of the manuscript. To the original and now excised from the book discussion I added here context that clarifies certain points made in the book about the institution of religion under different circumstances.


The word philosophy comes from the Greek philo sophia, meaning love of wisdom. A rather strange fact considering that same as in the case of Orthodox Judaism, based on the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible and the Torah in the Christian religion too knowledge is associated with the otherwise made-up notion of capital sin, one of the most impressive Christian churches ever was Saint Sophia. Also known as the Great Church, or the Church of the Divine Wisdom, it was built in Constantinople, Byzantium, today's Istanbul, Turkey, between 532 and 537 CE. Numerous fires and earthquakes have repeatedly destroyed it along the time. It was rebuilt, destroyed again, rebuilt again, and eventually it changed owners. Today, that church is known as Hagia Sophia.

The history of this coveted monumental construction mirrors in many ways the history of humans on this planet once religious institutions took over their communities. From that moment on their life would be marred by thousands of years of religious wars, with many of those wars still going on today. In line with that when the Christian church came to prominence after a group known as the Adversaries seceded from the secular original Christian school of thought to create a new religious institution with the intent of establishing a monopoly on the business of religion, communities across the Middle East and Europe would be terrorized by the constant infighting between different Christian sects and by the violence perpetrated by the so-called Universal Church on competing religions and on secular schools of thought. 

The history of the demise and the reinstatement of power under new authority of the St. Sophia Church is also a reflection of the fact that from the beginning those claiming to be intercessors of God were actually using the institution of religion to facilitate the mental and physical enslavement of Earth-humans by the Custodial authorities, the entities that at one time took over by force an experiment known in some circles as Project Earth. The priests were calling themselves "intercessors of God," and they still do, when in reality this God was the chief archon, the very human leader of a group of non-terrestrial colonists. In other words, they were the Custodial authorities' henchmen.

After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, in the spirit of Muhammad’s all-inclusive Constitution of Medina, contrary to popular belief the conquering Muslims did not suppress Christianity or the Christian people. They allowed them to not just exist but thrive in the city. Eventually, more radical leaders would take over this supposedly Christian church and made it into a mosque. In 1928, an amendment to the Turkish Constitution was establishing now that Islam was no longer a state religion, and by 1937, Turkey become officially a secular state. At that time the old St. Sophia Christian church turned the Blue Mosque was transformed into a museum. 

Sophia is a character associated with the Gnostic Christian mysteries, a symbol of enlightenment highly respected by all the great minds of the ancient world. The church, however, has always labeled the Gnostics heretics, their teachings were and are still considered heresies, and yet via an association with the Essenes' teachings, plus the education Jesus had received in the Far East, Persia, and Egypt, Jesus, Paul, and Mary Magdalene too were of a Gnostic persuasion, nothing to do with church Christianity. This is how we know that the Gnostics and the Cathari, not the Christian church, were the ones preserving Jesus, Paul, and Mary's legacy. 

Within the Gnostic community Sophia was a revered symbol for divine wisdom. Equally significant, at a time when the Christian Trinity included a feminine entity, she was the second attribute of the Holy Trinity. Last but certainly not the least Sophia was the other name given to Christ by certain 4th century theologians. 

According to these theologians, Sophia and Christ were one and the same, a feminine-masculine spiritual emanation from the source some erroneously call God. This would have been very much like and most likely inspired by the ancient Chinese concept of Yin and Yang describing separate yet complementary masculine and feminine, positive and negative energies. The Gnostic point of view was this feminine-masculine Sophia-Christ entity was associated with the notion of shared knowledge and wisdom by divine beings, by people from the sky, as well as by the source itself. According to them too, Earth people were constantly receiving knowledge from the source, from IT. In his authentic letters Paul makes references to this fact and more than once (this is still part of A Time of Change and you will find it explained there in detail), with something similar being stated in the Quran. 

As a result, as a mythical character the Sophia/Christ entity was related to the bringers of light and to the members of the genuine Brotherhood of the Serpent, a group of non-terrestrial beings that contrary to the agenda adopted by the Custodial authorities that gave us the institutions of religion and slavery were here helping Earth-humans build their own advanced civilization. The Custodial authorities where trying to prevent that from happening so they could continue to use the population of the planet as slaves. This is why the Bible condones and endorses slavery from the first book of the Old Testament to the last of the forged texts, the ones attached at the end of the New Testament. 

To confuse the masses about the positive role this entity was playing in their life according to Gnostic traditions, in the Adam and Eve story of the Bible and the Torah, not  in its Quran version, which by and large is a different Adam and Eve story, one rich in enlightening esoteric knowledge, that too analyzed in the book, Sophia/Christ becomes now the character called Eve. Precisely because same as Jesus, Sophia, now Eve, was on a mission to awaken the Earth-human consciousness' from the sleep the Custodial authorities put it to, Jewish scribes and later church people would malign her. A consequence of that, for two thousand years now, even though in reality Eve was a symbol for spiritual awakening, based on the fabricated story in the Torah and the Bible, women all over the planet have been considered evil and were treated as second class citizens. 

She supposedly commits a grave sin when together with the serpent, a symbol of the Brotherhood of the Serpent, among others, and of transfer of information from the source of everything to Earth people, encourages Adam, as in humankind, to disobey Genesis God’s orders and feed on the fruits of the tree of knowledge. From now own the masses were to perceive Eve/Sophia, women in general and a serpent representing the ones generously sharing a special knowledge with Earth-humans as wrongdoers that dared to defy a God that wanted man to remain poor in spirit. This God of love, as described in churches, supposedly punishes humans with a debilitating eternal curse, which was a story created by priests seeking to make people obey them considering they claimed to be the intercessors of that vengeful God. In essence, in order to make Earth-humans stay away from knowledge so they could be easily manipulated and controlled, according to both the Torah and the Bible this God conveniently punishes not just Adam and Eve but the entire humankind. 

Based on what was revealed through the mysteries, which contained coded information only the initiated had accessed to, mysteries often referenced by a Jesus and by a Paul who in reality were teaching against religion, every time it incarnates a new human body the soul’s mission is to ascend to a higher level of enlightenment so it could become reunited with its source. The soul reaches that state by seeking the company of “Sophia,” of wisdom. Helped by benevolent non-terrestrial non-supernatural entities to fulfill its mission, wisdom is something the Earth-human’s spirit must find though on its own, by processing gnosis, knowledge it also uncovers while experiencing the earth plane. 

Once the so-called Universal Church took over the reins of power in a now disintegrating Roman Empire, the bishops would denigrate in the eyes of the masses the authentic non-religious Christian movement and almost completely silenced the voice of the Gnostic Christians by burning their books and their savants. Suddenly, Sophia, who same as Christ was a symbol for spiritual enlightenment was to be viewed now as something evil the Christian God had cursed, the Eve that tricked poor Adam into committing the greatest sin ever, the sin of seeking knowledge. As attested in no other than the Bible, though, seeking the liberating knowledge happens to be precisely what Jesus is urging his followers to do, with that being only one of the many instances when Jesus and the institution of religion are in opposition. 

The effect that absurd rule imposed in houses of worship had on the people's psyche was that their natural inclination toward seeking the hidden truth and conquering the vast unknown was diminished, when not completely disrupted.That deliberately induced mentality was what threw humankind into a prolonged Dark Age. Many among the planet's population would not even be aware of that, with the Dark Age being something they only now begin to truly extract themselves mentally from, but they have been living according to a false perception of reality for most of their entire life.

(Edited August 31, 2023)

* * *

Links to Volume 1, Part 1 and Part 2, and Volume 2 below. Volume 3 should be ready for release the end of November 2024. Due to their size, Volume 1 and 3 are divided in two parts. Google Documents is unable to open a larger file. After you open it, click on the + sign to choose the font size that suits you. In this format you do not have access to the live links in the manuscript. For a Read Only Word document where access to the links is allowed, sent a request to atimeofchangePG@gmail.comAt this time there is no organized promoting of the book. The best way of sharing it with friends and family is by providing the website address:

(At this time the manuscript has not been proofed by a second party.)

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 1 (PDF active)    

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 2 ( PDF active)    



A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it. 

Friday, November 1, 2019


"If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
                                                                                    - John 8:31-32  

The one known as Jesus advises against living on belief. He encourages people to adopt his teachings, knowledge he was initiated into during his formative years, the eighteen years of his life the Bible says nothing about. Unlike the God of the Genesis, he wants them to seek knowledge so that they will become free of the illusion of reality they were mentally and physically trapped into. In one of the Gnostic gospels, he also encourages people to understand knowledge properly. Here and in many other instances, Jesus is teaching against the institution of religion. He is also very critical of the sacerdotal class.


The Bible is void of most of Jesus' authentic teachings. Jesus mentions "my teachings," but in its current heavily edited condition the Bible, The New Testament in this instance, reveals very little of the truth he is referring to when addressing his followers. In the verses following John 8:31-32, he explains what he meant by that, but that explanation looks like something inserted there by church scribes to divert attention from Jesus' anti-religion message. Not just in Judea but also earlier in India and Persia, he introduces his audiences to liberating truth that was going to set them free from the false perception of reality created through religion, knowledge he had been initiated into during his formative years, the eighteen years of his life between the age of 12 and 30 the Bible does not say a word about. According to sources to be revealed in the last volume of the book, Jesus received a significant part of his education in centers established by the people of the sky in many parts of India, Tibet, Persia, and Egypt.

When we pay attention to what the text says it is obvious his "Father" was not the all-knowing God of religion, otherwise a composite fictional character used to make the masses act submissive to the demands of those who call themselves God's intercessors and to the rulers associated with them. Similar to what we will later have in the case of Muhammad, his teachings included knowledge that was "out of this world," as in of a non-terrestrial origin. 

According to the Sanskrit text Mahabharata, there are over 400,000 civilizations in this universe alone, and every one of them exists at its level of development. Other sources claim there are billions of them. Many of these civilizations are millions of years ahead of ours, and according to sources to be revealed in the book, civilization Earth is an experiment. Among others, this is why we have this diversity of human races on our planet. The Bible does not reveal their origin, and they could not be a product of adaptation to changes in weather pattern either, as claimed by evolutionists. We also speak over 7,000 languages, the origin of which no scientist can explain, certainly not by the way of gradual evolution and natural selection. A certain text in the Bible, on the other hand, tells us something very interesting about this matter, a shocking revelation for many church-goers and non-religious humans alike. 

At one point, the experiment was hijacked by unkind non-terrestrial entities that sought to take control over the resources of the planet and to use Earth people as slave labor. As you are going to see, in one of Paul's authentic letters we are reminded about that in no confusing terms. These entities
 gave us the institution of religion and the institution of slavery. They would later create forms of government they were in control of, such as the monarchy, and later on they would hijack democracy, an institution that these days only pretends to be giving people fair representation in the governing of their countries when in reality one one hand a multi-party democratic system only divides them so that no matter who wins the popular vote the same cabal is always in charge. They also came up with the monetary system, an instrument of artificial class stratification, and together with the institution of religion these existential and economic devices formed an inescapable mental and physical control tool that to this day helps them keep Earth people trapped into a false perception of reality. This existential system makes rich people richer all the time while the poor stays poor most of the time, and this is no accident. 

According to the same sources to be revealed in the book, no one else in the universe uses religion, money, and a multi-party political system of government. As fringe as this might sound to some, at one time Earth people were genetically downgraded by group of gods, and as you are going to see we have scientific evidence of that. Among others, they would now live shorter lives, up to 120 years, and they were set to operate at the frequency of belief. This is why Earth people are prone to believing things claimed by authority, on TV,  in the newspapers, by politicians and religious leaders or academia experts without applying critical thinking or fact-checking them. Taking advantage of their new condition, those entities from the sky would constantly feed them false information through their religious institutions, at the same time forbidding them access to knowledge, as stated in the Genesis by someone described there as God. The intent behind the downgrading and behind describing knowledge as the forbidden fruit was to make it  easy for them to control and manipulate Earth-humans, to use most of them as slaves, and that has been the case for thousands of years.

To keep them in the dark about their true origin and potential, later on, through pseudo-science labeled fact, such as a theory of evolution claiming that humans are descendants of apes and that all the other original species nobody can tell how they appeared on Earth turned into other species as they were adapting to alleged changes in the environment, something evolutionists had zero evidence for. This new belief system, with many considering evolution a new religion, would trap the ones escaping the religious belief into a new false representation of their origin, nature, and purpose of life. 

Scientific materialism, empiricism, evolutionary theory, all these are flawed concepts associated with a new form of belief that generates a different kind of false perception of reality. The purpose behind indoctrinating the young generation in schools and universities with this new belief is the same purpose behind having them indoctrinated from an early age with religious belief of the old style: to maintain a status quo that benefits the custodians of the planet. This is why, as you are going to see in the book, despite the appearance of these being opposing sides, church creationists and materialist scientists, evolutionists included, have similar, when not identical erroneous views on most major issues of great significance for the global community. This state of affair, however, is about to change, hence the title of the book: A Time of Change.

So who are the "us" and the "we" gods of the Bible, Torah and the Quran? Weren't houses of worship supposed to venerate a one and only God? The claim by Christian apologists that the "we" and the "us" in the Bible, which occurs mostly in an Old Testament made of Jewish texts, with some of them being part of the Torah, is a reference to the "holy trinity," and yet same as in Islam, in Judaism trinity is not accepted. More than that, it is contradicted by the very text of the Bible. "God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the gods." (Psalm 82) Indeed, neither Jews, with most text of the Old Testament belonging to the Jewish traditions, nor Muslims have adopted the concept of trinity, and their holy books too include references to a group of individuals that seem to be in charge of civilization Earth. 

As you are going to see in the book, the term "God" has a different meaning than the one given in houses of worship. It is a titled rewarding a very knowledgeable human. There are many gods in the universe, individuals extremely proficient in physics, genetics, astronomy, mathematics and to knowledge pertaining to the spiritual or the metaphysical, with the appellation GOD being something similar to the Ph.D. acronym on our planet, Philosophiae Doctor. This one too is attached to the name of members of the academia who have earned this distinction. 

This completely changes the way we perceive not just religion but also the history of our civilization. Among others, we can understand now why the gods of Genesis 3:22, whoever those individuals might have been, were not pleased that the Earth-human 
became "like one of us, knowing good and evil," as in as knowledgeable as they were. This was the same Earth-human who to have control over they genetically downgraded, this way minimizing his analytical skills, and also forbade him to feed on the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This was why the people of the planet were later told, "the truth will set you free." Jesus' teachings were meant to help them escape the mental trap of belief established through the institution of religion, know the liberating truth, and this way become the gods they were capable destined to be: "Jesus answered them, "It is not written in your Law, 'I have said you are Gods'" (John 10:34) 

A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Quoting from the book is permitted but has to be accompanied by proper crediting by showing the source. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it. 

Saturday, February 2, 2019


"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."                                                                                       - Albert Einstein

Life is a very interesting experience to have when one pays attention to what he or she experiences. We are always made aware of where we are, of where we are heading to, and of where we are supposed to be. We are basically reminded all the time of what we are here to accomplish. Who or what does that is a question that requires a complex answer. As you are going to see in A Time of Change, it is not something impossible to explain.

When we say he or she, we are referring actually to our physical aspect, which can take a male or female form. That would be a reductionist representation of the nature of being human. The real us, the one experiencing life in the Earth plane is the spirit energy that incarnates the human body at birth making it into a human being. And while the spirit energy includes masculine and feminine energies, it is neither masculine, nor feminine, and it has no gender. Just like the yin and yang of the Chinese cosmology, which is a balanced, all-inclusive combination of both. 

This may sound crazy, but theoretical physicists have found evidence suggesting that, as spirit energy, we are participants in an amazing virtual reality game, the product of a super-sophisticated computer program put together by something we could only define as super-consciousness. This super-consciousness is the source of all energy and information that makes what we perceive as material reality, as well as the unseen universe. It was misrepresented in religion as a human-like entity and it was in error labeled God. As a result, while in terms of the choices we have the possibilities are limitless, same as in a video game, everything is digitally designed to occur or assemble, rather manifest in a certain way. In other words, and this is not really crazy, after all, there is always a rational logical reaction from the part of the universe to every one of our actions. Cause and effect is actually the main law that governs the universe, and yet students in schools are rarely, if ever, reminded that.

Then there is the fact that the universe is tuned to the frequency of honesty and truth and so were we. At one time, the new owners of this experiment our civilization is, have downgraded Earth people to the frequency of belief and reduced significantly their lifespan. This is not mythology. As you are going to see, this is recorded fact. Ever since, humankind has been living based on belief, basically on an orchestrated lie, the reason why the original title of the book was The Day Belief Becomes History. It was changed to A Time of Change, which basically refers to the same thing, and there are all kinds of belief systems humans on this planet are mentally entrapped to by the powers that be.  

Mathematics, physics, and geometry are devices meant to help us make truthful representations of what we perceive as reality. This is why to some extent what we perceive as future is mathematically predictable and because of that knowable, especially since whatever may happen in the future is a choice of here-and-now that is already there and it will be there for eternity. Our mission in life is to become aware of that and to realize that we are the spirit energy within the body, not our physical aspect. In some cultures that is known as self-realization, and it is always achieved by the way consciousness awareness growth. Conscience awareness is a consequence of us being exposed to knowledge and acquiring on our own a correct understanding of it. That makes us less vulnerable to manipulation, reason why in a couple of our religious books knowledge is the forbidden fruit. This was done because the entities that at one time took control over the experiment knew that a less knowledgeable human was a lot easier to control. Knowledge is what gives us the ability to make the most appropriate choices of now and here. 

Te law of cause and effect does not rule the world of the spiritual or the metaphysical. Over there things are already the way they are supposed to be in order for an ascending spirit that no longer needs a body to be able to continue its progress in terms of enlightenment. The spiritual is a dimension that generates the information carrying energies that become manifest as material forms, humans included, and the so-called laws of physics. The energies of the spiritual act on the energies of the material to make them manifest the same way software makes images and sound appear on the screen of our computers. The information carrying energy that makes images and sound appear on the screen of our computers is unseeable and is separate from the hard drive. Similarly, the soul energy, consciousness is something apart from the body, brain included, and yet its effects are quite obvious. We did not imagine these digital devices we work with today out of nothing. We figured out how the universe operates, and then we replicated that according to our current level of understanding of reality.

Humans are spirit energy within a physical body, software downloaded into the biological hard drive at the moment of birth. The difference consists in the fact that the same spirit energy is repeatedly incarnating different human bodies for the purpose of making advancement with its awareness of its true origin and powers. That awareness is enlightenment rising its vibrational frequencies to a level where return to this lower world and mostly material of ours is no longer necessary.

Nothing of what we experience is coincidental or without purpose. Reincarnation facilitates the continuation of the process of awakening until we reach that higher vibrational frequency. At this time, the Earth is moving into an energetic ambiance that will allow many Earth people to ascend into a 5D frequency, something everyone is going to be able to accomplish in the long run. The purpose of what we experience as individuals is always attuned to the common purpose of our being here, with the purpose of our being here corresponding to the grand purpose behind the existence of all human life inhabiting this infinite universe, as well as many other universes.


A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. You are allowed to quote from it as long as you provide proper crediting. 
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Monday, October 15, 2018


The quotes below are from a document of great significance for our civilization analyzed in detail in A Time of Change.

Earth people have more than once resurfaced from the bottom of the dark pit of self-destruction to stand up and walk on their own two feet become what they are today. They did that with a little help from very knowledgeable members of the cosmic brotherhood of humans, individuals inhabiting this and many other universes.

The world is not a miracle produced by a magician creator-god. In its current state the material world is not perfect, nor was it meant to be so. A rational logical consequence of that, an all-knowing omnipotent God could not be its creator. There is no such thing as chance gradual biological evolution or natural selection either. Those otherwise never seen, never proven, never replicated genetic mutations evolutionist with credential  always talk are even more of  of the imaginary than the story about a God creating the world in six days is. That said, the answer to the question of the origin and the purpose of life is going to be provided by science. It will not happen though until scientists realize what religion was meant to hide away from the people in that regard while at the same time making the non-physical phenomenon part of the equation. The non-physical, the metaphysical is what according to esoteric knowledge always associated with genuine science is known as the spiritual.

Everything in the universe is energy and information. Because of that the science most apt of solving the ancient mystery of its origin and of the origin of everything in it, life forms included, is quantum physics, not biology, and you do not have to be a field theorist to understand that.
“…all energy can be changed to solid matter. (…) Both terms, energy and matter, represent basically one and the same, but precisely in their separate forms: fine-material and coarse-material.”
An erroneous perception of reality that antagonizes natural law created through indoctrination with irrational religious belief and lately with reductionist scientific materialism, some call it empiricism, is bound to generate irrational behavior and a disharmonious reality. As history books show it, along the time religion has constantly caused social and economic distress, the premature death of millions of humans, the collapse of civilizations, and the destruction of large areas of the planet. Religious institutions, specifically the Catholic Church, are also behind what we know as capitalism, the root of many of the problems Earth people have been and are confronted with. 

We can only reap what we sow. The law of cause and effect is the major rule that governs the material. Who or what has established this rule, or the natural order behind how the universe and everything in it operates is a question no one has addressed yet, in a rational logical manner that is. 
“Religion is only the primitive work of human beings, in purpose to lead them, to suppress them, and for exploitation, to which only spiritually deficient life can fall. Bring this truth to the light of the world and make it known. This is a further part of our mission. If this does not happen, then mankind will slowly destroy itself and fall into complete spiritual darkness.”
To put an end to this prolonged era of war, division, oppression, of human rights violations, of curtailing of human creativity and systematic destroying of the planet we will have to acknowledge globally the known truth about the nature of reality that was hidden by the custodians from the people of Earth for thousands of years. Among others, what we perceive as a material world is a manifestation of information carrying energies of the spiritual. The more aware Earth-humans become of that, the more aware they are of their spiritual essence, the more advanced our civilization will be technology and less dependent of polluting, less efficient sources of energy. Then there will be no need for us to go to war for those conventional sources of energy.  

As some field theorists have concluded, the material is in large part a projection of thought energies, a hologram produced by consciousness interfering with waves, with fields carrying information consciousness collapses into material forms. Once humans become aware we are the spirit within the body, a spirit that makes thoughts manifest as the reality we experience, with all of us spirit energies being connected at the subconscious level, they realize we are responsible for everything good or bad that happens on the planet, as well as for things that should happen not happening. The world looks the way we understand what we are and how we relate to it.
“The human being is the carrier of his spirit, which never dies and which also in his deepest sleep does not itself sleep; which records all thoughts and movements; which tells the human being whether his very thoughts are right or wrong. (…) The spirit holds the outlook for perfection, for harmony, peace, recognition, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, truth, beauty and love in all things.”
As people were beginning to escape the trap of religious irrational, they were tricked into embracing a reductionist materialist explanation of the reality of being human. Life begins at birth and ends with death, they were told by empiricist evolutionists. Research conducted in the last decades by scientists associated with prestigious academic institutions has produced though conclusive evidence of the existence of a soul energy that is eternal. Our current life is only one of our attempts to achieving self-realization, the awareness of being the eternal spirit that incarnates the body at birth and not a moment before or after that. The same scientists have concluded that reincarnation, the repeat downloading of the same soul to many bodies, male or female bodies over the span of thousands, millions, and even billions of years is an indisputable fact.

The Earth people were left under the impression that evolution and creation in the Bible are their only options when it comes to explaining the origin of life and everything else. That could not be further from the truth and the purpose of this ruse is to distract attention from the fact that life on Earth is in large part the result of an artificial process supervised by an advanced civilization of a non-terrestrial origin. 
“…you are right with your meaning, the human being not being a descendent of a monkey. He became created by our ancestors, who mixed themselves with the Earth-human creatures, who at that time were called “evas.” (…)”
The malefic influence religion exerts on our civilization does not consist only in the false claims its promoters and profiteers make in front of trusting people but, most importantly, in the fact that those false claims are meant to hide significant liberating truth from them. At the same time one should not blindly adopt as fact everything he or she is told by someone who supposedly debunks creationism. That person too may have an agenda, or represent a group with an agenda, or he or she is not aware of the actual truth. One should always keep though an open mind about something that makes sense. Other than that, there is an abundance of definitive evidence nothing of what we have been told in science or history class in the last one hundred and sixty years about our origin is even close to being true. 

Outside this cacophony of unsound ideas and counterfeit spirituality produced by groups operating from within the hidden structures of power, a new human is about to be born. This one will be operating on a sound, fact-based rational perception of reality. With the advent of the New Earth, this Earth-human who is no longer a believer but a truth seeker will form the basis for a better humanity. For, as we were told by the same friends in high places,

“The only thing limiting the progress of the Earth-human is the Earth-human himself.”
(Edited January 2, 2024)

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A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 1 (PDF active)    

A TIME OF CHANGE - VOLUME 1 OF 3: Part 2 ( PDF active)    



A Time of Change is private intellectual property made available to the public in this format free of charge. It could only be shared free of charge. Copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized commercial reproduction of either the entire set of documents or parts of it.